Last night I started with one dime.
I put the dime in my case and then started to tune up, playing Chinacat Sunflower and While My Guitar Gently Weeps, two harmonica friendly songs.
Soon there was a garrulous, obnoxious bum, who was acting crazy, standing right in front of me at times and saying all kinds of off the wall stuff, but throwing in "Give me a dollar," to everyone who passed by.
He babbled something about me playing guitar, saying that I wasn't going to make any money doing so, and thet "I'll show you how you make money" before launching back into his babbling lunacy.
Soon a black man came and put $1.15 in change in my case.
Then another guy put a dollar in.
Then a band started its set in a club down the street. Every song they played was one that I do, with the exception of "Living On A Prayer," the Bon Jovi song, which the guy (as the band seemed to be mainly a singer, acoustic guitarist, with very little, if any, background) did very slowly, in the manner that I think that I've heard Bon Jovi do off of an "unplugged" kind of disc.
Between the bum and the band, and the $2.25 in my hand, and the fact that it was only about 8:30 p.m., I decided to leave to run to the store, giving the bum a chance to peter out, and the band a chance to take a long break, or finsh up, should they have been playing for a wedding reception for the wedding-attired people who were everywhere.

On the way to the store, an inebriated appearing guy stopped me and asked me if I played the guitar which was on my back. He wound up giving me two dollars after I explained about the noise situation, and why I was taking a break.
The Abandoned Dairy Drink
I made an interesting discovery, through the circumstance of having had my food card run out five days earlier, and having no cash, either.
I really hadn't eaten in the past day, and I was feeling that light headed kind of peaceful calm which sets in, after the body is so empty of food that it stops craving it, and goes into a different mode, one of fat burning.
This is when, amongst other things, all of the THC, which is in marijuana, and which is famously stored in the fat cells (it takes about 28 days to "get out of your system," according to folk lore espoused by people who have to submit to drug testing) and is released back into the bloodstream, when someone is fasting upon water (and plenty of it) alone.
This has you walking around kind of high after about the third or fourth day of water only consumption.
I was in this state in the afternoon, when, preparing to meditate for a while and then gradually work my way into playing music, taking it very slowly at first, I came upon a cup sitting atop a trash can in front of Community Coffee.
It had some kind of strawberry and vanilla ice cream concoction in it.
I wondered if it was milk or soy based. It was full, had the lid on it, and was apparently untouched, so, there was only one way to find out.
This was a perfect time to experiment directly with the matter of food allergies, which I have determined that I have to soy and/or dairy. I have always thought that one might "trigger" the other.
I walked in the general direction of my playing spot, sipping on the concoction, which I was pretty much determined was dairy based, with sugar, and strawberries added.
It gave me energy, causing me to break a sweat in the 90 degree heat.
I soon upgraded my intentions from "starting off very slowly" to jumping right in and playing up to speed right off.
Then, I realized something interesting; I wasn't craving a beer at all.
When I began to suspect my dairy allergy, at about the age of 17, I stopped consuming it in all its forms; even butter was cut out of my diet. This is the very same time that I began drinking beer.
I practically never drank before that time.
Then, as I perfected a diet based upon fish, olive oil, vegetables and apple cider vinegar, I added wine to the recipe and began to consume one bottle, just abut every single night, as a supplement to my healthy diet.
So, last night, I had broken my fast with dairy, and, even though I had run to the store on my first break to get a beer; that one beer satisfied me, and I did not return for a second one, which had become my habit; rather, went back to play, at a different spot up the street, and wound up making a total of $12.88, a terible sum for a Friday night, but an amount which will allow me to get an all day bus pass today, and to go to perhaps Wal-Mart, to get some fish to grill, behind the building in Scotlandville, where I can pop into the library to upload what I am now writing as I sit in the downtown River Center Plaza.
I will then go over to the boarded up building ( where I am allowed by the guy who washes cars in front, and who knows the owner; to use the electricity) and use the electricity.
It is fairly quiet there, especially behind the building, and I can do yet more music with the Audacity program, not being content to give up on trying to make recordings which are representative of the way that I truly sound.So far the stuff I've done drags like a dirge and falls off the beat annoyingly, but, in my sleep, I have been solving problems in my subconscious mind.
My brain torrent of late is: I will devote the first track to playing the beat, along with the click track -the one that is so soft that I don't notice that I have fallen off of it.
I will play along (on a five-gallon bucket if I have to) keeping strict time. Then I can use the booming bucket rhythm as a guide; a guide which will cut through the sound of what I am playing at the time and allow me to stay in time.
So, without further ado, It's time to get that all day bus pass, and, I'll see you all in Scotlandville.
Howard, by the way, seems to be doing just fine without me. He knows that I can't go on campus, yet, he continues to live there, seemingly not caring to move off of it, so we can be chums. He has found an air conditioned Student Union Hall with TVs that show sports, to go along with all his other creature comforts there, and I think that he is being weened off of me, as his "homelessness guru" and spirit guide in general...
There is once again a white guy in Scotlandville.
I plan upon cooking some food, perhaps recording, at least a click track (a loud one) to use in the near future, and then getting on the #10 bus back downtown, to totally cash in on my all-day pass. First, I will lighten my pack by a few pounds. I plan upon coming back here tomorrow.
A Certain Place At A Certain Time
Monday, I might, just might leave out of here without telling Howard, if I determine that that wouldn't be cruel.
There is just a whole different feeling when you are free to do whatever you need to do, in your own best interests, without having to tell another person what your plans are, and then to feel tied to those plans, because if you deviate from them, you might screw the other person up, who was expecting you to be in a certain place at a certain time. If that makes sense...
First, there are all kinds of ditzy college girls who drink ditzy fruity drinks, or rather, buy them and then after one sip, put 'em down. I've seen it a million times (didn't scarf up the drinks though) and you're pretty safe with left-behinds like that.
ReplyDeleteHoward, on campus, is probably seen as someone who's some kid's dad, or faculty, or one of the many nameless colorless "support" staff around a college. He could probably live there indefinitely, and once they find out he's deaf, they'll probably find all kinds of programs for him, and very possibly get him into job training or a job. Plus being a vet, disabled, while he's homeless, he's not "needy" where he has to busk, spange, etc for a living. He's got his bux coming in. You can pat your back now feeling like those folks who rehabilitated and freed the lion in "Born Free".
I/m actually getting wirekless interne right now, at the boarded up building, It said "Stadium" something on the connecton; so, I don't know how far the signal carries, but...I was in the middle of recordinf a prety righteous jam, when the Audacity program locked up and every time I tried to go back to it the computer told me that it was already running, even though I shut down and restarted...just another thing to try to debug, I guess...damn, I was ready to record something half way descent, too...I might just blow off Howard; I don't understand the guy; is he just waiting for his life to end/ passing time, reading books; he might think that he is helping me; he did lend me a few bucks; If I just disappear, he will just say "that's peculiar" and then go get his coffee and newspaper and only think about me every 18 days or so....
ReplyDeleteTo understand Howard all you have to do is look at every old, fat, neutered, house cat owned by a little old lady, as long as the cat food is coming regularly, there's not much to do in life.