Sunday, November 25, 2012

Are You Like Me?

They shut the power down in the park last night, hence no post.
And a lot of homeless people walking around with dead cell-phones with no way to keep abreast of where all the free "feedings" were to happen; pity...
Last night, it got "too cold" to busk.
This does not mean that I couldn't have gotten out and played stuff that requires no real complex fingering ie. Creedence Clearwater Revival (sorry guys, you're not that complex). But, I went to my spot and built a fire and cooked Tilapia with spinach and then ate and fell asleep.
I woke up shivering.
I went out onto Water Street to where I could see the clock/thermometer at the Convention Center.
3:14, 40 degrees.
I guess I had slept pretty long.
Now, I just want to watch some football, on this Sunday.
I slept until about 10 a.m., then visited Howard, who was still in his lair, reading.
I have decided to attempt stand-up comedy; and if the gods want me to do so, then they will arrange to have the bus fare out to the place where they have an open mic night for such, in my pocket by Thursday night.
I have a bunch of routines....."Are you like me?...Who said thank God no?!?"
I will do stand-up and have the guitar ready ala Martin Mull, though I hate being compared to him; or any other comedian who also plays guitar. I don't know why...


  1. I went out today, to Castro Street in the fine town of Mountain View, and in 3 hours made $19.50

    I played a bit of christmas carols and then just ... anything, and just noodled around having fun. I also told a couple of jokes, and got $4 from one guy mainly by talking about software (he's one of those guys who's about 22 years of age, parents gave him everything, and thinks anyone not making over $100k a year is retarded).

    Now, I don't know if Castro Street in the fine town of Mountain View is a good location, but it's the kind of place a beginner would choose, because Look at all the people walking around. Now, that most of the people are rich snobs may well make it a far worse place than the local McDonald's, supermarket, or liquor store. But it's what I'm starting with.

  2. 19.50 in three hours; gotta admire your stamina; The thing for me would be; how much after the first hour, did your persistence net you most of the money like did it come in the third hours?
    I played this morning by the big clock in front of the bank; I think seeding my case with a 5 and a 1 hurt me, as people were probably glad that I had made "something" and didn't need their support...There just isn't enough traffic there and I wonder how many people actually work downtown...the lady that works in the bank was smiling at me as I packed up at about 10:10 a.m. she was standing in the window looking out.
    My strings are starting to sound less than new and it is going to come down to strings vs. beer, as it ALWAYS does in this bible belt city....

  3. You know .... you get your "feedings" too, yours are just courtesy of your EBT card, which costs the taxpayer something like 10X the amount of food-money that actually filters through to you.

    The "feedings" are run generally by people who volunteer, who *choose* to help the poor without extorting taxes to do it.

    If I end up in Santa Cruz, there's quite a good "feeding" that's put on, I was invited to come along and went to it. I may well make use of it if I'm down there and tight on money, since there's no shortage of food (it's stuff from local shops and restaurants) and otherwise, it's about $10/day to eat there if I'm doing my thing on Pacific Avenue.

    Now about stamina.... the thing with a trumpet is ... it's possible to play it rather quietly, see Chet Baker for more on that. And, even in fairly quiet playing, a good pure tone gets through the street noise. I'm trying to work on tone and having a nice vibrato.

    Why don't you go to a guitar store and check out a nylon-stringed guitar. I was quite impressed with Errol's sound, and he says he doesn't break strings. Just try it because you'll never know, otherwise.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...