Click Here To Hear My Former Voice Instructor (when I was 25) Sing "Three Blind Mice"
Still no response to my "friend request" from Diane Cushing (left).
It makes me think that she would rather forget the student who was the only one in the choir who was stoned, and whose unquenchable thirst for musical knowledge was probably misconstrued as his having a crush on her.
She represented The Unattainable to me, and I always felt that, even if I eventually became the front man for a band like The Foo Fighters (just to pull one out of my ass), her opinion would be that I had achieved success in "that kind of music," but it wouldn't be her cup of tea. Ever.
I would drop by her Victorian style house (built in 1872) unannounced; where she would be with her husband, Ted , and their daughter Emily, 8 at the time and I would always be received with "Christian hospitality," which extended to Dianes wearing the smile seen in the "mice" video throughout the duration of my visit.
Ted was always patient and understanding of the struggles that I was going through in my (pot fueled) search for The Light.
Little Emily whispered to me once, when her parents were in another room: "You're NOT going to marry my mother!"
"...if you're a Christian and you truly believe, then there's no reason that you wouldn't devote yourself to praising Him in your music...that's where I get my spiritual nourishment from..."
"What about Three Blind Mice, Diane.
"It's alright to have fun, once in a while, and through fellowshipping with other people in that way, you might be able to reach some of them with your ministry.."
"But what about my Carcass Song?"
"Well, that's up to you to search your heart and ask yourself if you think it glorifies God...but, I have get some rest because I've got an early morning rehearsal...I'll see you in class tomorrow; but, think about what I said, really..."
Daniel leaves.
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"As he's pulling out of the driveway, Ted, snap the lights off so he'll think we've already gone to bed, otherwise he might come back."
"Yes, dear."
Teds father, Richard (72 at the time) took an interest in me and regularly invited me to go to Friendly's with him for a cup of coffee after choir practice.
He was fascinated with my generation; wanted to know what smoking pot "felt" like, along with other matters of general curiosity.
I wound up staying in Richards mansion (built in 1942) which sat atop a hill and had its own pond in front of it. This was after my landlord decided to rent to his relatives and asked myself and my roommate to vacate.
Richard was a millionaire (owned a company) and I had the entire third floor of the mansion to myself with my own bathroom.
Ted, being shy and sort of awkward, I always wondered about the social dynamic involved with his pairing with Diane, the attractive (especially at 25) and talented soprano -as in; who scooped up who. Diane has never had to busk on Bourbon Street, to say the least. But, classical music is played in a rich mans world, and things seem to have worked out for both of them.
Living with Richard meant that I was unavoidably in the lives of the whole family, as, they were a very tight-knit group and each evening, each of Richards two children would phone and give a report as to how their families days went.
Richard would reciprocate, and always include an update on Daniel...well, it was pretty late when he came in last night; I woke up and we shared some tea...I...could smell alcohol on him, yes...his band played at a bar in Athol (Mass.), I forget the name of it...not the most respectable surroundings...well, all we can do is pray for him...
Richard being a high standing member of The Baptist General Conference, it was common for him to offer accommodations to traveling ministers, exchange students and people of (Baptist) society who were in the area for any reason. So it was common for there to be someone occupying the floor below me. Two Japanese College girls come to mind...they, I guess were Japanese Baptists...and myself 25 years old and in a rock band; yee ha!
Richard donated to the campaign of the first president Bush, and there was a handwritten signed photo of he and Barbara on Richards refrigerator, alongside Emilys doodlings as a token of their apreciation.
To their credit, they never seemed to be pushing me to change myself; only quietly praying that it would happen. I became a fixture at the dinner table, alongside Richards well dressed company, wearing a tank top and running shorts.
Maybe that helped project the message that "whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren..."
I was playing in a rock band on Saturday nights, and then singing in church, under the direction of Diane Sunday mornings.
I would pull into the parking lot of Bethany Baptist Church for Wednesday night practices with the 350 watt stereo in my Pinto cranking Mozart 5 times louder than those period instruments could ever play.
The congregation would just smile like Diane in the "mice" video; and maybe shake their heads, but not perceptibly to Richard....
Well, when I left Gardner, Mass. after spending 6 years at the 2 year Mount Wauchusett Community College (which, of course, everyone shortened to "The Mount") and finally getting my degree, it was to go off to UMass in Amherst.
The sigh of relief from the Cushings and extended family could be heard 5 times louder than period instruments can play Mozart.
They gave me a "going away" party, during which, the smiles on their faces seemed to convey a whole new meaning.
I eventually left for Florida and lost touch with them.
But now Diane won't friend me on Facebook.
So, you basically decided to be a "scruffy" for life. The problem is, back in the 1970s, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates could be scruffy and get away with it, but as the economy tightened up and stopped growing, being scruffy became the kiss of death just like it was in the 1930s. You just didn't get the memo.
ReplyDeleteMan, don't get too hung up on facebook lol That crap doesn't really matter, and a lot of people dont even check it often. I had one for a while and never checked it, all kinds of friend requests i snubbed, unintentionally. Also, some people only add close family to their lists, so that is a possibility.
ReplyDelete@Alex: Yeah, but things don't seem to be much better for The guy who walks around wearing business attire and looking like a bank president as he eats his homeless hard boiled egg each morning; he even walks like a million bucks; purposefully; swinging his arms, slightly bent at the elbows; taking big strides; like time is money and he has a conference to go to; clean cut hair and everything; I don't know if it would help to to hit the clothing closet in the church basement and become Mr. Who Does He Think He's Fooling LOL
ReplyDelete@Dazar I can tell that she goes to Facebook because she updates her status almost daily; she teaches at a college and Facebook is contageous in that environment; and she has 250 or so friends; that's a lot of close family; I think she harbors some kind of resentment; but it might just be because I took off for Florida and then; no postcards; no Christmas Cards; and it probably hurt ol Richards feelings because he really embraced me in the way that a gentleman back in the 1920s might; and I suppose that in that society you didn't just break off contact with someone unless you were being rude or unappreciative in this case. But, I can't get hung up, you're right, seeking their approval cramps my style; always did...
Haha Mr. Business Attire at least knows that looking like "a million bucks" at least he'll get a lot less hassles from the cops, may get the odd job offer, and so on. Is this the same guy "who looks like a pilot" and plays guitar in NOLA? Because the pilot-guy, you said, was doing rather well.
ReplyDeleteRemember if you're going to give lessons, you don't want to look like a druggie, or drinker or ... wait ... nevermind.
Facebook ... ehh ... ever since it came out that they collect everyone's information and will happily sell it to anyone, anyone at all, Facebook has lost its luster.