Monday Morning Post Fix
I woke up and came straight to the library to delete any negative comments that I had made in a drunken post from the coffee house yesterday.
I'm sorry that my newest reader in Uganda had to endure them.
I had been venting my anger and was overcome by a hostile spirit.
The coffee house guy even came over and enforced the "customers only" rule for their computer; asking me to finish what I was doing and then leave (or purchase a 2 dollar cup of coffee).
I think he could sense the spirit or smell the spirits en-clouding me...
Then, when I walked up the street, Tanya and Dorise immediately started to play the song ("Hotel California") which I had been critical of in my post...that makes the second time that they have done that; as if they had been instantly notified that the comment had been made.
It was as if someone texted them as they were playing with the message: "Someone said you screwed up Hotel California yesterday -one minute ago from New Orleans..."
Tanya played some nifty, classical sounding runs of 16th notes and sixtuplets, as if showing off her prowess...
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I'm sorry that my newest reader in Uganda had to endure them.
I had been venting my anger and was overcome by a hostile spirit.
The coffee house guy even came over and enforced the "customers only" rule for their computer; asking me to finish what I was doing and then leave (or purchase a 2 dollar cup of coffee).
I think he could sense the spirit or smell the spirits en-clouding me...
Then, when I walked up the street, Tanya and Dorise immediately started to play the song ("Hotel California") which I had been critical of in my post...that makes the second time that they have done that; as if they had been instantly notified that the comment had been made.
It was as if someone texted them as they were playing with the message: "Someone said you screwed up Hotel California yesterday -one minute ago from New Orleans..."
Tanya played some nifty, classical sounding runs of 16th notes and sixtuplets, as if showing off her prowess...
Then, when I went to the Unique Store, the cashier wouldn't let me "slide" on 10 cents (bring it the next time) for a Hurricane, even though I had previously been allowed to bring the whole dollar back the next time...
Then, when I went to my playing spot, Barnaby was critical of my harmonica playing, saying that it sounded like I was "straining" when I played it...
Then, I made all of 1 dollar playing for no more than 25 tourists who had meandered as far as Lafitts Tavern on Bourbon street...
Add to that debacle, a free Jester drink which I found, and a 24 oz. Dos XXis beer, which a guy whom I jammed with outside Rouses Market bought for me; and you have the ingredients for a nasty post.
Everyone is feeling the pinch of the slow economy here.
Streets which are normally swarming with people; weren't.
Cars waited at red lights for the "walk" lights to change to "don't walk" but the point was mute because nobody was crossing the street though, the signs are programmed for "normal" pedestrian traffic ..
Nightmare On Basin Street
Then, I had a nightmare where I was sleeping on a metal bed which was barely wider than my body and which was elevated several hundred feet in the air and had to be reached by climbing up a ladder, like the ones which allow men to change the light bulbs atop radio antenna towers.
I was petrified that I would roll over in my sleep and plummet; and I was afraid that, if I tried to climb down the ladder, I would twitch or slip; or my arms would go numb (I think one arm was "asleep" while I was) and I would lose my grasp and plummet.
"You Can Eat My Fist"
I woke up in a sweat; depressed and broke and feeling like I had hurt a lot of feelings the previous day...I had been ruthless with the beggars, telling one that he could eat my fist after he asked for 50 cents because he was "trying to get something to eat."
On The Brighter Side
Jesse (right) remains living proof that if I just become amplified and set up a stage so that it looks like I'm a professional, then I could make a living busking on Royal Street in New Orleans.
The guy with the harmonica came along and asked him to play something in the key of G.
Jesse complied, but his face said "Are you paying for this?"
When the guys little tike joined in on his own little harmonica, at least a dozen people materialized and Jesse became about 20 dollars richer; mostly from the party of people who were with the guy and his tike.
Jessies expression then changed to "Sure, I know a few songs in the key of G..."
I have to admit I'm puzzled. It seemed like you were getting in pretty good with Tanya and Dorise. I was thinking maybe you'd end up playing bass behind 'em, or be their bottler or something. Then, I dunno what happened. They were playing at that coffee shop or bar or whatever it was.... and you showed up a few nights in a row ... and then it seemed like they got kinda cold toward you. I wonder if it's because basically, in looks (not only scroungy clothes by always frowning etc.) you're a homeless skeezer, and of course the bar doesn't want skeezers in the place because that scares off paying customers. Maybe they put a word in Tanya's and Dorise's ear too ... "Keep that skeezer away" etc.
ReplyDeleteSo now you're barely crossing paths with them, which sux.
And .... you were talking about getting a job and finding housing but that idea seems to have washed away in the beer suds. Frankly, as I keep mentioning and it's not *always* sarcastic, if you want to be a skeezer you've got a pretty damned nice life. Live-outdoors weather most of the time, free leftovers, half-finished drinks, food stamps, etc and never a worry in the world. Man'yana, man! Whatever you aspire to do ... Manyana! (I can't figure out how to make that little mark so ... the Y).
One thing working against you is probably age. You look to me to be about 50, which you are, but to most (oops I mean almost all) you probably appear to be a 40-something skeezer. When you're an old skeezer, got some grey in your hair and grow a beard, really push the old-guy thing, I'm sure your income will go up - it's called pathetic points. People love to give to young dudes playing music - as in high school or college age - and old dudes because ... SS don't pay much these days. You're in the inbetween area (and I am too) where it's assumed in one's 40's or 50's one is supposed to be doing something "serious".
So just hang in there. Don't worry about doing this or doing that or whatever great plans ... just sit back and enjoy the skeeze...
Actually it is I falling away from them and not the other way; we are never (the three of us) going to hang out together because the two of them don't hang out together; our relationship really is of the nature of them looking out for another musician because we protect and nurture each other (type of thing) and it might be considered "a good deed" in China for a wealthy lady to buy food for or give a ride to the music store; a poor man...and in Dorises culture (which is steeped in New Orleans) she is one of the ones responsible for bringing street music "back to life" after Katrina really put a dent in tourism (because of the bodies which floated up out of graves and down the streets and stuff)and there were practically no street musicians...imagine that...
ReplyDeleteUm, and so that relationship is still there; and I appreciate the fact that they deem me worthy of being part of the whole street music scene here; enough to help me with hats and harmonicas...and they want to see me "make it" here...
but I just haven't been hanging around them as much; I used to show up when they were setting up or tearing down and that was the best time to talk to them; and I think that I have learned all that I can from watching and listening to them; so I don't as much; and finally; if they are busking, then it is a pretty strong hint that it would be a good time for me to be doing the same and not sitting there...but I hope to collaborate with them after I become amplified especially on Sunday nights which seems to be guest night for them and when you see all kinds of (mostly singers) jamming with them...
Oh, I thought T and D were ... well at first I thought they might be girlfriends together. LOL I guess it's a professional relationship, for the purpose of making (very good) music.
ReplyDeleteThe public is left to "wonder" if they are girlfriends; creating a mystique and spotlighting the "chemistry" between them....
ReplyDeleteKind of like how Sonny and Cher would kiss each other on stage (because isn't love wonderful) but then sleep in separate rooms at home...