Having 8 minutes left on this hotly contested computer at the library is not much more time than it would take to say that it is Tuesday morning.
This one is better... |
I woke up at Leslies apartment at about 11 a.m., the final time, when I sat up and lamented not having an energy drink; and then contemplated how I could amicably break off in a different direction from Leslie and accomplish certain tasks, like updating this blog; and avoid other tasks; like becoming stumbling drunk alongside Leslie "Let me buy you a beer" Thompson.
I have managed to make it to this library.
My goal for yesterday was simply to do laundry and to perhaps buy a protective cover for my notepad; which I am filling with songs, exercises, musings etc.
Leslie and I jammed last night; and, at one point a lady came and placed a 20 dollar bill under the tiposaurus.
I had my head down and was jamming on the harmonica when she put the bill down.
Leslie apparently saw it and said "Thank you; thank you copiously!"
That was my cue to go all out on the harp solo for at least as long as it took her to remove herself from earshot.
And, I woke up with about 30 dollars this (Tuesday) morning; realizing that I had somehow spent about 25 bucks the previous day and trying to account for it; but secure in the knowledge that there is money to be made out there; once again -the slow season being over......
You're so thin you look like a heroin addict, not necessarily a good thing. But you could play a bunch of Lou Reed songs about heroin and people might decide you're a heroin addict but the cool kind that's discussed in Lou Reed songs and since the habit's not cheap, flip you some big tips.
ReplyDeleteSomehow the camera stretched this one out vertically; maybe cause the guy who took it stood the camera up vertically...but I am disturbingly thin looking in it and I think I will stretch it back and re-post it!!