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I am thinking about changing the theme of this blog...
Virtual Cobwebs
Street Musician Daniel has garnered me just about 40 readers* who, ostensibly, check in at least once per month. After 11 years of running the thing.
Or, more likely, this blog was added to "reading lists" of some sort that are culled from the Web, by robot-like aggregators; and may, or may not, be actually read by the 40 people who show up in my statistics.
My 15 "followers," too, are people who, at one point decided to follow this thing.
They may have lost interest (long ago?) but never bothered to "un" follow it (or thought that it might hurt my feelings and leave me feeling cyber-jilted). There could be e-mail notifications piling up in inboxes with virtual cobwebs all over them.
Like Father McKenzie (writing the words of a sermon that nobody hears; no one comes near) I may be.
Because if people read this and actually value it, it would be easy for them to leave a comment once in a while, or "share" a post, or something.
The last time someone sent me a nice comment saying "I always love reading your stories," it was after I had written something as a homeless person, who lived under a wharf, probably about 5 years ago. (It was the story about when a skeezer was sleeping near "my" spot and I balled up pieces of bread and threw them all about his body and my little rat friends then scared him off by surrounding him....yeah, that story).
I can understand how a person who lives in a house might enjoy seeing life from the perspective of a (somewhat articulate) homeless guy; and was not too surprised that that story had amused that particular person enough that she had sent me that comment.
I can't explain my apparent popularity in France, though...
But, I am thinking of changing the theme of the blog to be about kratom.
It seems to be a niche with a lot more potential upside than a blog about a street musician, who is not busking for his survival...anymore.
The Uxi Duxi "kava kava bar" that I discovered about 2 months ago, shortly after having discovered the mitragyna specioso leaf which is kratom (pronounced to rhyme with atom, or ate 'em, interchangeably, it seems) has gone from a place where the guy working behind the bar was shaking his head one day, lamenting that he hadn't done enough business "to even pay me" to, well, let me see if I can get a photo of the place without enraging anybody who might feel that their privacy is being violated by having their photo taken by the weird guy in the corner with his laptop...
Open To Suggestions
OK, I didn't want to point my camera right at anyone because that would be rude, but, take my word for it that the Uxi Duxi is doing a bustling business now, enough to pay the girl behind the bar...
So, I might make this blog all about kratom.
That is a much more specialized area than busking, which almost everyone is aware goes on.
I might even be able to get in on the ground floor and become THE website for all things kratom related...if I treat the blog like a full time job.
That is one of the problems that plagues this Street Musician Daniel blog -the fact that I busk about 8% of the time and so the blog becomes about the other 92% of my life.
It is just a thought...
Maybe if anyone out there truly enjoys reading this blog the way it has been for the past 11 years they could drop me a comment, so that I can hack their e-mail passwords, I mean, because I'm open to suggestions....
Kratomheads Unite
I think about the things that interest me, or don't, in other people's blogs and, unless someone has a personal relationship with me, ala my mom, I don't see my purchase of a dozen eggs at Rouses Market, for example, as being particularly news-worthy, for example.
I don't know...It's time for me to do some soul-searching, perhaps.
It's funny how my having quit smoking pot (2 weeks now and counting) and the substitution of a shot of kratom a day for it, has seemed to have repelled some friends in my life and attracted others; ditto for this blog.
Of course, if I ever decide to go "all in" as a busker (i.e. get an amplifier and microphone and try to partner with Tanya Huang in the role formerly played by Dorise Blackmon i.e. do things "the right way") then I might witness a resurgence in the popularity of Street Musician Daniel. Then, I would be making a lot more money, and we all know how that phenomenon peaks the interest of the common man -just ask the president of the United States of America...
Maybe someone, somewhere on the planet who has begun to dabble in dabs of CBD oil and/or kratom would be interested in reading a blog written by a fellow kratomhead.
Southern Decadence A Busking Bust
I had marked my calendar "leave town" over the 5 days of the Southern Decadence festival.
I just hadn't provided for Harold the cat, nor saved enough money for a Megabus trip, nor gathered up the courage to hop a freight train with a guitar and a backpack, come what may. That would have given this blog a shot in the arm...maybe next year...
Once again, I busked last night and was just about totally ignored by the 10,000 gay men who walked by holding hands in their thongs and didn't tip.
Not one dollar.
I quit after about 45 minutes, rather than "try harder," or try to unravel the mystery of them, and when I began to harbor a paranoia that the gays, for one thing, all think the same; and were of one mind in deriving some perverse pleasure out of not tipping the straight busker guy.
Better to go home and eat eggs with oatmeal and wait for midnight to roll around when Rose and Ed would give me 40 dollars.
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