Wednesday, June 13, 2018

I'm doing this on my phone from rouses market outside area. Ok that's enough


1 comment:

  1. Trying out the new smartphone?

    I managed to peck out a text reply to someone who ostensibly wanted to buy my cornet, and when I hit SEND the result was FAIL lol.

    I'm going to re-trace the history of the modern cell phone by learning my flip phone thoroughly, using the old peck-out-each-letter texting now, then "t9" texting and how to do all the stuff on this phone, then and only then I'll get a smart phone but ... I've tried the $250 Amazon special smart phone and never again. I "have" to get what my boss has because I know his works and he can help me out with mine if I have the same model, so right now that'd be a Samsung S7, $500-$600 phone. Fucker's gotta be indestructible though, knowing my boss. He's had the thing a couple of years now and he showed me how it's got no scratches on the screen at all.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...