Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Rains of Wednesday

There was a one hundred percent chance of rain, according to the weather app on my phone. Why would the weather forecasters not just say ninety-nine percent chance of rain? People would still grab their umbrellas and it would allow for the possibility that it might somehow not rain, say due to a cataclysmic event such as an undersea earthquake with the resultant tsunami somehow drawing the rain clouds away.
Right: Harold gives a critical listen-back to our latest studio session.
It started raining when I was on the bus on the way to the plasma place.
I had purposely left my umbrella at home.
I weighed the burden of carrying the thing, while riding the bike, against the odds that I would need it.
At the end of the day, after having gotten pretty wet, I concluded that I need to find a way to tie the umbrella onto the yellow bike.
That way, I could keep it handy, while freeing up my hands.

So, having gotten caught in the rain and lain there shivering as I donated plasma led me to the epiphany that I should rig up some kind of Velcro strapping system or perhaps bring Bungee cords into play, so that the daunting prospect of being encumbered by an umbrella all day would be diminished to the point that I could have the thing available whenever there is a one hundred percent chance of rain, tsunamis not withstanding.

Cecilia 5
If anyone thinks that my music already sounds like this graph (left) looks, then this tool might be for me.

I downloaded the Cecilia application which bills itself as "ear bending sonics" a few months ago, but finally opened it last night to see what it was all about.

It is for producing some pretty ear bending sonics, I have discovered.

My first hour of playing around with the program produced the above. OK, it's pretty boring, but sheds light upon where weird sounds might come from.
Not much else to show for a Wednesday night stayed in, but as soon as I load a few of Harold's meows into this program I might be onto something!
Three Years Ago

Three years ago, I posted what the above is part of.
I was drinking at the time, wouldn't quit for another 3 months.
I can see that I was worried about becoming like Troy, who is another busker whom I am still, to this day, confused with, and whom I have always seen as kind of a warning of what I might look like in ten years should I not stop drinking.
I haven't seen Troy in a couple years now. He disappeared from the scene right around the time I stopped drinking, so maybe he was a "ghost of Christmas' future" who no longer needed to hang around.

I hope I post tomorrow about an awesome Thursday night busking, because, after a stop for batteries and cat food, that's what is on tap.


  1. Add a boring but insidiously repetitive beat, a few bass drops and woops and you could be an EDM artist.

    ...because you gotta be trippin' to like that kind of music.

  2. Quitting drinking is a good idea that keeps on giving. I'm glad I finally did, after dipping back into it a couple of times. Ultimately, what's decided it is that I seem to always escalate into a physical dependency, and plays utter hell with my blood pressure, and it's deeply disturbing to me that on alcohol, I can watch a documentary or something, and it won't "stick". It's a real IQ-killer.

    Try does look like an older version of you. For most people, skinny + guitar + hat + Caucasian would be enough to make you two twins.

    I've had people tell me they used to see me handing out little origami birds on Santa Cruz ... hello, the guy who used to do this was built like a fire plug and had fingers literally the size of my big toes. That made it all the more amazing that he made and handed out those tiny birds.

  3. @Craig -yeah, it was always lost upon me all the "work" that went into say, Dark Side of The Moon, by Pink Floyd. I guess it matters that someone messed around turning knobs on a synthesizer until it was like "Hey, check this out, sounds like a spaceship landing! Let's add some guitar and drums and sing over it!" I found that, messing around with Cecilia, I wound up concluding things like "This doesn't sound much different than my juicer in a garage..."
    @Alex -I got tired of thinking "this is going to be a great night," because I had a bottle of tequila or something, only to learn that as the desire to perform increases, the skill level's the same with weed now; I can't think I'm going to smoke a joint and then pick up my guitar and record a masterpiece, unless a masterpiece is a song that has spots where the tempo lags because the guy is trying to remember what the 4th chord in the progression was.
    I wish the Cuervo Gold and the fine Colombian could "make tonight a wonderful thing," but, alas, they really don't "give" you anything that you didn't already have.
    I guess The Wizard of Oz taught us all that at an early age...

  4. I still seriously wonder if, that time a while back now, that Mexican guy, who was dressed like a restaurant worker, had really "turned me on" to some actual Patron? He said it was, but I was thinking, "Sure....". It was really, really, tasty. Made Cuervo Gold taste like dishwater, really.

    But yeah, alcohol's not really the answer, and if you do some research, kratom may not be either.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...