Thursday, October 18, 2018

Post Frequently

Just posting today so my readers don't lose interest...


  1. Just a pic ain't gonna cut it man... :-D

    BTW "I want to avail myself..." sounds like Afro-pop.

  2. "May I avail myself of your facilities?" - George Jefferson, asking to use the bathroom.

  3. Picking Apart Dickens
    I wasn't sure if it was "to" or "of" your charms...
    I think Weezy's husband had it right, the charms are available "to" you, but you can avail yourself "of" them...
    One of my favorite books drew criticism for it's title. The grammar police said that it should have been "A Mutual Friend', because "Our" Mutual Friend" is redundant...
    So, I'm in good company


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...