Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Not Going To Do It At 44 Degrees

Monday/Tuesday Off
I'm in the computer room at Sacred Heart, it is about half past ten on a Tuesday night, cold enough to ward off even more tourists than it being a Tuesday night already does.

Yes, my best nights of all have come after one wealthy tourist might have thought he wouldn't be imposing upon anyone if he were to sit down for a private audience, type of thing, it being a Tuesday night, after all.

Jacob Given Furlough

Just a couple days after being caught smoking maryjane in the music room at the house where he stays, Jacob, who was not thrown out "on his face" as Bobby in building C termed it, dropped by for a visit.
He apparently is being pressured to get some kind of job by his guardian, Bob. with his being able to reside there being contingent upon it.
He is also subject to random drug testing, he said.
Readers of this blog have been introduced to the characters at play here.
So in the interest of not providing any spoilers to their story, I will not say any more.
A spoiler, in this case, is actually something that I might write which would spoil Jacob's life if Bob read it here...
Jacob is going to have to buckle down, get a job, keep his grades up, stay drug free and....I know I probably lost Jacob at "buckle down," but it is what it is...
He did tell me that Bob hasn't placed any blame upon me; I wasn't there forcing him to smoke in the music room, after lighting "a bunch of incense."
I'm not really sure if kratom was included in the ban imposed by Bob, but Jacob is really up a tree, regardless.
His alternative to Bob's house would be something like sleeping in one of the classrooms at the college, on the carpet, maybe kind of behind the podium; with a gym bag as a pillow... 
Not Going Out

I had gone out Monday and had a twenty 


  1. What's the deal with this kid, anyway? He seems kind of immature. Isn't he 18 or so now? Maybe I'm old but geez, at 18 I was getting out on my own and I'm sure you were too. I mean, it'd be nice if we had parents who cared about us, but even if we did, we'd have been signing up for college or trade school, working a job, doing grown-up stuff.

  2. I'll actually be 21 in July. And I'm also enrolled as a full time student at the local community college currently doing my third semester, is that grown up enough?

  3. That actually *does* sound mature. I guess it'd Daniel's writing that makes you sound kind of helpless.

    You might be able to live in the college dorms if they have them. Some community colleges do.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...