Sunday, March 17, 2019

Filles De Killamanjaro

Well, this blog has suffered since the service ran out on the new phone...

But, I have discovered that, when I plug the thing into the laptop via USB, then I can get at all the files stored on the phone, such as pictures (left) and music, except I have no music on it, I hadn't gotten that far in my exploits of using it.

The reason I didn't reduce my "plan" from 60 dollars down to 30 is that I wouldn't be able to use it as a hotspot, and sit in my room with an internet connection.

I have to meet life half way and reduce the amount of inhibition I feel about coming to the computer lab at Sacred Heart, so it can become at least a daily habit.

There are some who might say that this blog "suffers" even more when I post up my writing on it...


Busking has been running at an idle lately, with me winding up with just enough money in the mornings for either a pack of cigarettes, or food for myself and my cat.
There have been nights, like last night, when the ideal tourists came along and, after telling me that I wasn't really in the right spot, for what I was doing, tipped me 10 bucks, after I explained that I played at the Lilly Pad in order to cater to people who might want a more private performance, or to converse with a real live street musician, type of thing.

The movie deal that the guy named Daniel talked about (me composing/performing music for it) will probably fall through after Daniel realizes that I am not homeless. The goal of this film project or whatever it is. is to employ homeless people in the making of it. Creating a good film, well, I guess he will cross that bridge when he gets to it.
I suppose that, at the end of the movie, as the credit rolls, some project will be mentioned, and the information will be given that all of the actors and musicians etc. were literally taken off the street. He might be fishing for the type of publicity that such a thing might garner. It has "PBS segment" written all over it.

"Some of these homeless people were in despair, but seeing themselves on the big screen gave them a sense of worth, and they soon became productive members of society..." type of thing....

So, last night, I busked and made 12 bucks, 10 of which came from the one couple that hung out and listened, with the female at one point showing me scars on her wrist from a failed suicide attempt and telling me that it was just "this kind of thing (hanging out with a street musician)" that they were hoping would give her a new lease on life.

That was a 12 dollar Saturday night, otherwise, and put me in the situation of having 11 bucks -enough to get a 32.5 gram packet of kratom at the Unique Grocery.

Or a pack of American Spirit cigarettes and a Bang energy drink at Unique Grocery.

Or a can of cat food, and returning home with nothing except $10.18 still intact.

In the morning, my plan was to ride up to Rouses Market and spend $2.08 on a Bang energy drink, then ride up to near the Uxi Duxi, where I would wait until I espied a familiar face from when I hung out there almost every night, which person I would slip a five dollar bill to and ask them to go in and "buy for me," like I was an under-aged kid hiding on the side of a liquor store.

Then, I remembered that Jacob had ordered something like 3 ounces of Yellow Borneo, which he probably still had some of, and I got the idea of riding my bike over to Kenner, where he lives with Bob, his legal guardian, and just giving him the 4 dollars for a scoop of kratom.

I still have the Vuseʳ Vibeʳ nicotine vaporizer, and it has curtailed my use of cigarettes, at least the purchasing of them.

Jacob came by and brought me some kratom, apologized for not being able to hang out longer than a few minutes, promised to hang out longer on Tuesday, and then accepted the 4 dollars from me.

I know the value of me pulling my own weight as much as possible, just in the karmic sense.

Friday night, Jacob and I hung out at my place and recorded us jamming along with an obscure (but my favorite) Miles Davis album called "Filles De Killamanjaro."
It was cold outside and raining every time I looked out the window waiting for it to stop so I could go out and busk. I eventually just chalked it up to being an act of God that my busking would be cancelled.

I think Thursday night was a 13 dollar one, and Tuesday before it was about the same, I didn't play Monday, after having had the 34 dollar Sunday...

There is more money out there if I want to go out in the 50 degree air and play for the St. Patrick's Day crowd. The potential for making money is too much to resist and I will soon layer up with clothing and chug down my kratom drink and go out there with old strings on the guitar...

I got a hit of acid from my old acquaintances, Geo and Mindy Lee, from Cincinnati, Ohio. It is just sitting on the table like an insurance policy against a boring night.

Is Vaping Safe?
The link above is to the article that someone sent me who read the one I posted last week and informed me that I had posted old information.
It is from Herbonaut, incorporated...

1 comment:

  1. Isn't this the good season in NOLA though? Man, maybe you need to start using the sharks again or get a bigger tiposaurus, because it seems your earnings are down.

    Better than mine though, as I've not been getting out at all.

    I should really listen to some Miles Davis.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...