Thursday, July 11, 2019

Hot Spot Back On, Enjoy Me The Service

Oh, my God.
The radio station I listen to has been commandeered, and regular programming preempted, so that a run on narrative about the storm brewing in the gulf can consume 100% of our attention, giving the "emergency" guys their 15 minutes of fame.

Yes, they are taking it very seriously. Don't worry, they will be back on in a few hours to give an update.

Whatever you do, don't try to drive through standing puddles...

The Riverbank nursing home has been evacuated, over in Bernard Parish....

The above song is pretty representative of how I am sounding out there. The latency problem is solved by singing and playing simultaneously so that the two signals are locked together, with their relationship in time crystallized.

This dude is on the radio and he is all grave and apprehensive, and beseeching all who have ears to take shelter and prepare...(maybe I should run and get a can or two of cat food, now that I think of it).

No, they don't expect the levy to break, but, Mr. Emergency always prays for the best but prepares for the worse. I think he is bloat, in his position of civil emergency preparedness minister or whatever, and now he has to emote over the deadly seriousness of this major weather event that is looming, in order to keep himself in good standing for maybe another whole year in office.

I guess we need him now, let's not fool ourselves. To remind us to go out today to stock up on batteries and not wait until the wind is already blowing tomorrow...

Buses are ready to haul people to safety. The guy on the radio, the civil engineer or whatever, said that he had arranged for the buses. He got plenty of them. A couple days of acting calm and speaking with authority over the importance of having candles, and the guy makes his whole year's pay...

You will want to lower the umbrellas over your patio chair/tables...

2 More Gigabytes Arrive

My wi-fi hotspot is back on through the government phone.

I figured something out. When they have replenished the data for the month, they send me a text, which I have always ignored. It is thanking me for my payment, and telling me to enjoy the service..

So, that came at about noon on the day of my minutes being added...

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