Wednesday, August 7, 2019


I am once again posting verbally using my smartphone as a receptor of what I say.
I have ridden my bike to the Euphorbia kava bar on some Street near the river but really not so far in fact if I was younger I would probably make this my regular go to spot replacing the Uxi Duxi, which was half of the distance away but infinitely more gay
This is probably 25 minutes of heavy pedaling.
So, I have ridden out here and I am partaking of a shot of Kratom they are prices are outrageous though compared to Uxi, but this is a stopgap measure on a Wednesday night when I want to get something accomplished in my studio at least to upload what I already recorded and I promise I'm going to dim the contrast on the background image that appears on mobile phones when mobile phone users go to this blog because it is really hard to read the yellow text on top of the yellowish background I now realize over and out


  1. Younger... pishh! :-) It's them bike rides tht'll keep you young! And put some air in those GD tires! lol
    Cheers mon

  2. Maybe if I switched back to my diet of primarily fish smoked over Oakwood with vegetables and lots of olive oil and garlic and onions and that type of stuff, then I would feel in the mood for a Brisk 3 and 1/2 Mile ride each way every day

    1. Oh yeah! Sounds delicious and full of the good kind of (olive oil) calories.
      I wasn't kidding about tire pressure, rolling resistance is a big thing and they roll best at full pressure. That and proper seat hight are the simplest things you can do to make your riding easier/ more efficient.

  3. That's not that far a ride. A mistake a lot of riders make is to ride too fast. The result is they get stressed and sweaty, and don't get there enough sooner to make up for it.

    You'd be better off just buying your kratom online which would be much cheaper, but you'd be best off not being dependent on it any more because it seems to be sucking up a lot of your money, and you could get a Mr. Coffee and coffee by the big red tub and it'd be tons cheaper.


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