Saturday, August 17, 2019

Suite For Didgeridoo, Guitar and Bass

Boy, have I ever gotten a shot in the arm in some way, and had my energy level go through the roof!
I got off my ass and walked the 200 feet to the computer lab to post the song above, and it took less than 3 minutes to load up to Soundcloud.
This song was recorded using Jacob's i-phone.
His microphone is better than the one in my LG Aristo phone.
There is a super amount of compression in the recordings, but this only means that my singing, which I was sure was going to be buried in the mix, is audible. I actually couldn't see where Jacob had laid his phone, else I could have stepped toward or away from it as the music may have required.
Jacob's job is to sit and watch the house which has been enclosed in a huge tent, to make sure nobody tries to trespass upon the house which had been fumigated that day, and breath the deadly poison.
It is the cushiest imaginable job. It is being paid for being.
Sitting in a car with a laptop, watching a movie, then maybe grilling some burgers in the driveway and having a barbecue, jamming with acoustic instruments in the same driveway. Hell, taking a dip in the pool in the back yard if there is one. It's all in a day's work when you sit and guard a Terminex site.
It's actually too bad for me personally that the job is such a walk in the park, because Jacob's boss might have been able to employ me, since I told him I was looking for work when Jacob introduced me to him.
He is an older guy who used to be a very good guitarist, who could play Van Halen, but who then injured his hand in some kind of accident and now doesn't play at all. He drives a pickup truck and is a "religious" man, if his mentioning God frequently is any indication.
I think the particular job is just too cushy for Art, as that is his name, to give out to a chance acquaintance, such as myself.
It's the kind of job reserved to be given out as "favors" for someone.
Someone like Bob, who is Jacob's guardian (ex guardian, since he is over 21 now).
Bob may have been in need of a favor, and that particular job is a godsend to Jacob, who really abhors physical labor, according to him.
I need to find someone who has a shittier job to offer, at least as "bad" as mowing lawns, if I want to pick up a few hours here and there.
Not enough to throw a monkey wrench into my current rent arrangement, but enough extra money coming in to keep a wi-fi connection in my apartment, buy new harmonicas, and to not have to go out to busk on those rare occasions when I am not in the mood to.

But, there were were, at the job site, playing acoustic instruments until almost midnight in a neighborhood where the houses are packed pretty closely together; and there I was singing "Look out, the house is poisoned!," which I know is poor grammar; but a splendid time was had. A guy named Josh, who lived next door came over upon hearing us and introduced himself and asked if we would like a didgeridoo and Jew's harp player to join us.
The recording is the result.
I added "piano" and "timpani" in my studio. I put the terms in quotes because the instruments were digital samples of said actual instruments.
I wish I had a set of tuned timpani in the apartment, along with a grand piano...


  1. Security is, indeed, getting paid extra well for standing around. In most cases you have to wear a silly uniform etc., and you have to go through some classes - it's best to avoid the armed security because no one's gonna pay the extra for an armed guard unless they really think they need one; you need more classes and to buy your own pistol, and in all it's just a huge hassle for a little more pay. But being Mr. Reliable in an unarmed position, putting in your time to get seniority, well, let's just say I wish I'd never learned how to solder. These guys are getting $25 an hour or better.

    Can't break out the grill and crack a few beers and record any songs, though, that's the perks of that $10 cash under the table gig.

    All in all, it'd have been a much better career path than electronics.

  2. I listened to a bit of this latest music, and it reminds me a bit of the music in the soundtracks of Sally Cruickshank's animations, check out "Quasi At The Quackadero" on Youtube. That's the best "didge" playing I've heard too. Frankly most "didge" players are not too good.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...