Sunday, May 3, 2020

I am about to hop on a bike and go to get a can of cat food for Harold.

I have also been thinking that, should I get an economic stimulus check, I am going to buy Harold some of that 40 dollar per bag stuff, as opposed to the $16.99 bag of Friskies™ that has been his staple.

He also has what feels like a swollen gland, or maybe ever a tumor, along the side of his spine, which seems to only be about the size of a two inch long stick of licorice. But, it basically feels like the swollen lymph glands which I would also get, at times when I had been trying to live off a steady diet of things like white bread, and partially hydrogenated soybean oil.

Harold likes to go under the cars that are in the parking lot, and has hence acquired a slight staining of the fir on the top of his back, which is like the color of automotive grease, mixed with the yellowish tan of his fir.

This is also about where a gland might be which has been triggered to produce antibodies, or whatever, in response to a persistent irritant like car oil, transmission and/or brake fluid, some gasoline, and radiator liquid; can't forget that, when dealing with the cars that these Sacred Heart residents can barely afford.
Left: Elvis Costello, broadcasting from his house...

But, Harold barely touched a $1.79 (compared to .55¢ Friskies) can of some "wilderness" blend of food which, I believe had ingredients like pheasant and quail, and duck, -stuff that a cat like Harold might actually bag, out in the wild. ...venison...peas and carrots.

It seems that Harold loves the "indoor" varieties of foods, even though he spends about half his time outside, under cars.

These foods are supplemented with a lot of greens, ostensibly to make up for the lack of opportunity to eat grass and other leaves, outside.
So, I don't have to give Harold the indoor variety because he can get plenty of greens outside. But, I figured out that, eating greens is perhaps Harold's favorite reason for going outside, so much does he seem to like them. So, I continue the feast on them even when he is inside.

But, the COVID-19 thing has actually forced me into feeding Harold stuff that he is only lukewarm on, but will eat after staging a protest which could last about 5 minutes, involving standing next to the food and meowing.

But, the fact that he has more readily eaten stuff like tuna fish straight out of the 88 cent can, purchased with food stamps by an owner too broke to buy Friskies, makes me think that this might be an opportunity to transition him to a diet of much more healthy cat food.

Right: I've been watching a lot of Eckhart Tolle videos, or just listening to them, as I lie down...

I still want to do some research, though. I strongly suspect that the plethora of exotic flavors, are meant to lure their owners, who are of the millenial generation and thus are susceptible to being sold on such things as duck and shrimp in a carrot and squash bisque. Their pets might me fine with a can of Friskies "sea captain's catch" where what is in the nets that "the captain" hauls in will vary (and there might randomly be some duck and shrimp in it) but will meet certain nutritional standards; and will probably just have some ingredient added that will "make cats eat it."
I'm even starting to look like the guy...So, in the meantime, I have started another drawing.
I still have plenty of kratom, and the prospect of waiting another 40 hours or so for my food money to come in is not that daunting at all.
If I get busy with any number of projects, I might just spend the whole 40 hours on whatever it is...
The latest story only needs one more paragraph to cap it off where it is...

1 comment:

  1. I think you need to apply to get the $1200 check. Look up how to apply for non-filers (of income taxes) because they won't just send you one unless you've filed taxes in the last couple of years, or you apply as a non-filer. I actually got mine on the 1st.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...