I really haven't come up to speed with the world, yet, which has the people at the equator moving around 7 miles per second.
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The Whip was good |
But that is a relative speed; just ask Einstein. Since the earth is moving around the sun at a particular speed, the earth's rotation would not have them moving at a constant 7 miles per second. Twice daily that speed would be realized when the tangents line up, but for half of the day one would be traveling faster than that, offset by the other half of the day when you would be rotating counter to the solar orbit. Maybe this is really where "biological clocks" become set.
It would be like installing a bunch of small merry-go-rounds onto the hub of one huge merry-go-round, so that the persons experience of revolving and going up and down would be further enhanced by the whole merry-go-round she is on going around and up and down along a greater arc.
There was a ride called "The Scrambler" in the park where I went as a kid which achieved this motion, by having seats that spun around, attached by long arms to a hub, which itself rotated. (there was another ride in Whalom Park in Lunenburg, Ma. called "The Whip", which I am at a loss to remember the mechanics of, but I remember it being one of my favorites. Update: Oh, look, there it is above!).
The Scrambler, Twist, Twister, Cha Cha, Sizzler, or Merry Mixer, is an amusement ride in which suspended riders spinning in cars experience centrifugal force, while spinning along two separate axes. Riders are seated in small carriages clustered together and connected by beams at the top to a central point. The clustered vehicles are spun in one direction, while the ride as a whole spins in the opposite direction.[1] There are a number of variations of the design.-Wikipedia
Einstein also said that, while there are objects hurling through space at half the speed of light, so that one might surmise that two of them hurling directly away from each other would make them appear to be moving away from each other at the speed of light; this could never be so. Impossible, although it appears to happen everywhere in space.
So, what happens is space becomes bent, or a fourth dimension comes into play...
No matter, not even a single atom, can move at the speed of light. It would take all of the energy present in the whole universe PLUS the energy in that one atom; to accelerate it to the speed of light.
So, when this point of velocity was reached, that atom would have had all its mass consumed as fuel in order to propel it, and therefore would no longer exist. Nothing would. There would be no more universe, just an atom that just disappeared as it gained the speed of light. Unless the atom slowed down, bogging it down into "existence".
In the beginning, God created light. -The Holy Bible
And, yet, even at this "great" speed of light, it takes 12 minutes for a beam of it to travel from Earth to Mars. That's almost as long as the song "Dark Star", by The Grateful Dead.
So, while people on earth are dissolving into molecules at the conclusion of that song, having been blown away, and transported out of this world by a version of it; people on Mars would just be hearing the song's first note sound (assuming they were getting a good broadband signal -not always a given on that hell-hole red planet).
People on Mars generally vote Republican, while Neptune is a "blue" planet, which is where those designations originated, by the way.
So, nothing, not even a single atom can move at the speed of light; only light can.
At least not in this universe. Wherever Jesus came from, is a different story. He brought light into this world. He existed in the realm of light, but slowed down in order to take on mass, in order to save others from being relegated to being nothing but mass, attracted by gravity and stuck here. Why do you think the Catholic service is called a "mass"?
This is a world of skeezers; standing in front of the Sacred Heart building, shamelessly asking anything that walks by on two legs for something for free, at other's expense.
"Forgive them, they know not that they skeeze." (John 16;14)
But, where was I?
Oh yeah, the shitty blog written by a washed up burned out wannabe hippie...
Last (Wednesday, 8/19/20) night, I had a couple beers while getting to a few things online.
But, I found that it was hard to get to feeling drunk.
Because of the healthy diet of juiced vegetables, plus the supplements I have been taking, which are engineered to help body builders, and are i.e. steroids, I found that I was metabolizing the alcohol and not feeling a buzz at all.
After having stayed up all night, making two treks to the store a half mile away, getting two twenty four ounce beers each time, I was pretty darned sober come sunup.
So, I went to the Fresh Market, determined to put the matter to rest by getting a 12 pack of some really good Abita Lager.
And, sure enough, upon returning, I encountered a brown skinned man who asked me twice if he could have one of the beers.
I have always hated people who, only after seeing a large quantity of (anything) in the possession of another will assume the attitude that that person has so much that it is therefore incumbent upon him to "share" with them. "You've got all that, what's the problem with giving me some?"
"You've got 12 beers, all I'm asking for is one!"
People buy 12 packs because it lowers the average price of one bottle from $1.61 to more like 80 cents each. That is, unless that person starts handing them out to others who are hard-wired to try to get everything in life for free.
I was shaking my head over that as I returned to my apartment (that I will be able to live in for free for the rest of my life).
The guy approached me and asked me for one of my beers. I said: "No, I'm planning on drinking them. That's why I bought them.."
Then, after I remained out front and cracked one open, so I could enjoy being out of the apartment and in the sunlight and fresh air, he approached me again and actually tapped me on my shoulder, as if he thought that maybe he hadn't fully gotten my attention the first time, and then reiterated his request.
I may have seen him before, but those times, he had probably just walked past me without making eye contact, not seeing any beer or cigarettes on me -or maybe he spat on the ground, because I'm white.
These encounters almost seem scripted.
I come around the side of the building and notice one or two of them sitting out front, on a slab of concrete that I call "beggars slab".
Their heads rotating left and right like periscopes, scanning the surroundings, looking for human beings, specifically, because they are trying to get something for themselves. "I'm out here trying to get myself a couple dollars for a beer, that's all, goddamn. What's wrong with these white people?!"
And I see the heads swivel in unison, like synchronized swimmers, and lock upon me, as I draw closer.
One one thousand, two one thousand, three...the staring persists for just a little too long, for anyone who is just casually taking in their surroundings and gazing idly about. Their eyes bore into me so I feel like a specimen on a microscopic slide.
They are studying me to determine what I might have. What's in the bag, can we have some? Is that a pack of cigarettes in your front left pocket; can we each have one, er, or two if you don't mind?
Looking up again, I see that they have their game faces on, wearing expressions that say: "Look at me and pity me for what this unfair world has done to me -left me sitting here without a cigarette or a beer or a joint or any crack- aren't you going to do the right thing, to right the injustice? I'm begging you, I'm pleading you; help me, help me!"
Then, in unison, the heads turn away, as the recognition sets in that, here is a guy who "don't never give nothin' to no one for free!"
The "save me" type expressions morph into ones of contempt and utter hatred.
One of them might mumble to the other: "Don't waste your breath," and one or both of them might spit on the ground as I near; their eyes still following the bag in my hand and alternately shooting towards the pocket where I might have a pack of cigarettes. As if they can't resist seeing what they might be missing out on -what I ain't never gonna give them for free, at my expense.
"Ain't that a damn shame; he gonna go to straight to hell when he die. There go one stingy motherf***er!"
And Now It is Thursday, and I can't turn off the italics, WTF?
It is now Thursday morning, and I must go and try to get a tire for the bike. I am concerned because the rim is labelled "700C" which has to do with centimeters and I am not sure I will find such a tire size at the Wal Mart.
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