So, Donald knows that if he hands the good citizens of the USA, copious amounts of cash money -in order that they be able to cope with the "horrible, terrible" virus without missing a beat (a beat in this case being a cigarette a beer a joint, plenty of Little Debbie cakes as well as other food, etc) that the 10 trillion dollars, or whatever, is going to be spent, in short order; and redirected, through taxation, right back to the coffers of the local state and federal reserves.
Real American citizens, will be able to just sit back, "unemployed" and watch Youtube, drink and get high, and wait for the nice checks to appear in their mailboxes.
They will run out and spend it. They will have to, just for ordinary staples.
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The family of the convicted violent felon who went and got himself shot... |
Real American citizens, will be able to just sit back, "unemployed" and watch Youtube, drink and get high, and wait for the nice checks to appear in their mailboxes.
They will run out and spend it. They will have to, just for ordinary staples.
And with every transaction, the government will get a piece, until the money is all "gone" and back in the coffers of the government.
In due time, all the commoners will be broke again; but they will hopefully have lived high off the hog, and accumulated a lot of nice toys.
This will keep an economy going of people scrambling to meet the demands of this now "nigger rich" segment of the population (who might be quickly amending their opinions of the president) -who are now making more money by sitting on their ass, sheltering in place, and not leaving the house, type of thing.
But, they will all be broke. Which means that all the money would have been recouped by the state and federal entities and then, guess what?
Donald J. Trump can then give us all "another" 10 trillion dollars!!!
Right before the election, and most people won't realize that it is the very same 10 trillion that he had already given out, and then collected back through taxation.
The same huge ass sum of money can be given out over and over again. This is how a "rich nation" winds up actually looking like one.
The only caveat is that it might devolve into something like socialism. But wouldn't actually look like it, unless a majority of people become really lazy and quit their jobs, if they are "lucky" enough to be "essential" workers. If they would rather sit and collect unemployment, this could become a problem.
I mean the real purpose of the insurance is to protect people like myself. If I were to go out and play my harmonica in public just to support myself, I could become like the Typhoid Mary of New Orleans, and we just cannot abide that, here.
So, I have to relegate myself to collecting twice as much as I averaged busking for sitting at home, and working my other job.
This is one that I was "offered" through my dark web connections, and basically involves sitting at my computer and mailing in votes for Donald Trump in the guise of all the corona fatalities, who aren't available any more to do so themselves. Almost 7,000 dead people have already voted Red, and it makes me snicker to think of how the Democrats are so adamant about keeping the mail-in ballot thing operable. The post office is working fine, imo.
But that is a deep dark web secret that my having installed the Tor browser and a "virtual private network" has opened up to me, and given me a chance to become a true patriot. It is tedious, working as an envelope stuffer, but the whole "Bourne Identity" aspect of it fascinates me. It kind of sheds some light upon why Donald doesn't seem to be concerned with escalating numbers of "corona" deaths. They are all going to vote for him from beyond the grave -such a white collar, intelligent white man counter punch to the BLM, and antifa idiots, who only know how to raise their fists and drink the Kool Aid...
One of the biggest benefits of this "pandemic unemployment" arrangement is that only valid U.S. citizens will be benefiting from the nice sums added regularly to their debit cards.
The illegal undocumented folks will be "out back" as they used to say in Jacksonville, Florida.
This means they will miss the boat, and will have to work (menial jobs probably) in order to survive, while their U.S. citizen contemporaries are watching Youtube sheltering in place, and making more money than they, who sweat in the hot sun as they tote 80 pound bundles of tar paper up ladders to rooves 45 feet above.
Maybe a lot of them will say: "Screw this, America just isn't the scam it once was," and will become citizens, so they can get a piece of the 11 trillion dollar pie." (yes, my fictitious amount just went up a trillion; I guess Trumpism is infectious).
And, so after dealing the illegals a blow, and having provided in a concrete way for the working man who will be out of work indefinitely -as long as Donald wants to keep the Covid19 based economy going- and with the stock markets hitting record highs, in order to satiate the billionaires of the country, Donald can relax a bit and maybe take up a leisurely hobby like creating a reality show called "Face Off With Donald," which could be on every night and wherein people of all walks of life, Never Trumper's and all, can sit in an oval office turned studio and grill the guy and see if they can best him in an argument, to the entertainment and delight of the nation every night, and on every major network.
At those whose arguments are particularly anti-American; Donald can point his finger and say: "GET OUT!!" whereupon they would have to leave the oval office with their tails between their legs, escorted by armed security.
Donald can then stare into the camera and talk to us, scold us, threaten us, update us on the state of the union, whatever. The show would hopefully be his most pressing engagement in an otherwise peaceful and stable world.
And, about the "prison towns" where all the leftist Democrats (who were rounded up and incarcerated the Christmas Eve after the election) are to be housed. They will be outposts where detainees are treated with the utmost human dignity and provided for with the finest food and medical services; even offered a chance to hold their own elections and have their own governments. They can work and farm and sell their products to the outside for U.S. currency, but, should they be too much anti capitalist to capitulate to such a manipulative and anti-spiritual treatment of a human being, can just get everything for free. Those places will be oasis's of Socialist Utopia within our borders. The only difference between living there, for the antifa and BLM inhabitants, and living in a full fledged Socialist nation would be the razor wire encircling the community. Just the razor wire.
And, about the "prison towns" where all the leftist Democrats (who were rounded up and incarcerated the Christmas Eve after the election) are to be housed. They will be outposts where detainees are treated with the utmost human dignity and provided for with the finest food and medical services; even offered a chance to hold their own elections and have their own governments. They can work and farm and sell their products to the outside for U.S. currency, but, should they be too much anti capitalist to capitulate to such a manipulative and anti-spiritual treatment of a human being, can just get everything for free. Those places will be oasis's of Socialist Utopia within our borders. The only difference between living there, for the antifa and BLM inhabitants, and living in a full fledged Socialist nation would be the razor wire encircling the community. Just the razor wire.
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