Well it was yesterday morning I said a short prayer about staying sober the whole day.
The opportunity I have, to come through this political virus with something to show for it is blaring.
I actually came out ahead because I am making more money by being unemployed than I ever did busking, outside of the few nights which were the anomalies, where I made 50 bucks an hour playing.
Now I am watching the football game, even though I should have shut the TV off, on principle, as soon as the brainwashed sheep and tools for those whose only agenda is to regain power over this rich nation, reared their heads by not rearing their heads for the National Anthem.
It so reminds me of a defense attorney trying every avenue he can in order to get some kind of mistrial or otherwise extricate a menace to society from the tentacles of the justice system.
No matter what the prosecution say's, it then becomes his job to poke holes in the arguments, raise doubts, and in a lot of cases, move to suppress evidence which clearly points ot his client's guilt from the record.
Every damned thing that the president does, they step up and say: "Well, I would say that..." and then they throw whatever they can pull out of their ass at him as criticism, concluding that this man is not fit for the office, yadda yadda...
The guy makes a good president. Period.
Maybe nice guys finish last when it comes to presidenting a country.
Not many people outside of New England like coach Bill Belichk, who has basically dominated pro football the past 20 years. He is a lousy interview, he gives short answers void of sound bites and, of course, and this is on point with the society that we now live in, he has been accused of cheating.
The Patriots knew that the footballs were deflated a bit, to make it easier for Tom Brady to grip the things in the cold weather. But, didn't the opposing quarterback use the same damned ball? Yeah, but....
But what?
So, it is some people's job to ignore the fact that Trump has been able to accomplish great things because he wasn't a cog in some machine.
The whole dynamic of planet earth right now is contingent upon the separation of all "people of color" from all people who are not "of color" i.e. white people. Period.
It is easy for a person who has low self esteem and feels inferior to the core to cry out for "justice." Sure, they want a piece of the pie.
It is a sin that some people "have to" work for minimum wage. They have to; they have no choice.
Well, maybe if they never bothered to improve themselves in any way or manage to contribute in some way (and become compensated commensurate with that contribution) then sure, they might feel like slaves.
Why should they, whose lives matter, be slaving away for minimum wage, when the visionary who saw opening a hamburger joint on every corner of every city sits behind a desk raking in billions a year? His life doesn't matter any more, why does he get so much?
You don't have to work for minimum wage; you can crawl under a rock and die. Of course, some do-good-er will come along and rescue you; we can't have people dying under rocks in America; this country is greater than that.
When we had the hydrogen bomb, back in '45, we didn't press our advantage and try to take over a world that was ripe for it. No, we eased off and tried to act based upon higher ideals.
We took our knees off their necks.
Now we live in a world where the people under 30 years old aren't worth a shit, for the most part.
I almost rue the fact that they get to live here.
It started out as kind of a joke; us taking all the colored people's money.
Feeding them food at McDonalds that they would no no better than not to eat; so as to fuel the pharmaceutical industry on their diabetic high blood pressure sinus clogged asses. But white people liked it too, for a while.
And then when Michael Jackson came out and tap danced to the delight of all, it became clear that there was gold in them there hills.
So, open up the floodgates to let hip hop flow, with the tacit understanding that "it's just a song" and kids really shouldn't strive to be thugs and uncivilized savages; it's just a song.
But, if you don't have a good father to be a role model, then, well, you get what you get.
And so we grabbed a bunch of their money, with the fact that the rappers made a lot of money (apparently) as the selling point.
Then, Tiger Woods came along and "broke into" a game that previously was a white man's game.
But, before he broke Jack Nicklaus's record for major tournaments, and was in fact (and will perpetually be) just one major victory short of the record; he revealed himself to be just another nigger.
He cheated profusely on his wife, who was white. He couldn't control himself. A black man just can't.
Bill Cosby...O.J. Simpson...
I saw young black kids at a golf course toting a set of clubs for the first time around 1996.
There they were; defiant and just rapaciously after the money that they worship. The stuff that their favorite artists brag about in their raps.
The white man came to the general realization that "money doesn't buy happiness."
The blacks are way behind the curb. They are going to have to go through a huge struggle in order to obtain what they think is the key to happiness. Then, they might be in a position to realize that money doesn't buy happiness.
It is people with deep seated low self esteem who would conclude: "Yeah, but I'm making millions!"
There is such a disparity in the spiritual evolution of people that it mirrors the supposed economical situation, with the "1%" holding half of the money in the world.
There is a "1%" that holds about half of the Christ consciousness in the world.
But, funny how nobody seems as adamant about clamoring for that status.
Well, enough of my soapbox speech. I'm going to get a nice piece of crack and smoke it while I watch a new video I downloaded that features a lot of pretty women pissing into the mouths of random guys.
to that
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