I'm actually nervous about going to vote on Tuesday.
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I give you, my wandering jew... |
Joe Biden, "on the surface," is talking a good game.
Of course he is. He is a politician; a class of humanity that has devolved into the lowest form of humanity. Right there with lawyers and drug pushers.
How soon we forget Lyndon Johnson sending 58,000 young Americans to their deaths, because he was a puppet for the military industrial complex (who might have had a hand in the assassination of President Kennedy) and then "I am not a crook!" Nixon...
The first Bush had us in an oil war to "liberate Kuwait" within months of coming down the escalator. Remember how the first thing U.S. troops did was to secure the oil refineries; after bombing the crap out of Baghdad?
He was the infamous "Read my lips; no new taxes!" president who broke that promise because more taxes were stolen from the populace to finance the war that he started. I know I promised, but these are extenuating circumstances we have here, type of thing.
The Clinton's were trafficking in drugs from Central America, may have had people murdered, and Hillary was/is the poster girl for politicians who will "get up there" and say whatever they have to, to ring up votes. She was caught in multiple lies by fact checkers.
The second Bush (for whom the election was stolen from Al Gore) might have put out a hit on the mostly rich Jews who were in the World Trade Center buildings on "9/11" Somebody did.
There are videos on Youtube that lay out all kinds of irrefutable evidence that military grade incendiaries were used to pull the buildings down; and of the ensuing cover-up (news footage of people claiming to have heard explosions in the basement were aired initially, but quickly deleted, and certain people muzzled, for just one example).
And then, another puppet in Barrack Obama came along; after the party guessed correctly that they could count on an extra 7 million black people to vote him in.
Amazing corruption in politics was prevalent. But what did "the American people" do? They learned of it; were outraged; agreed that something had to be done; and then went back to their six pack of beer and American Idol on TV.
Then Trump came along and beat them all at their own game.
Politicians had all been able to participate in the corruption, regardless of which party actually took the presidency. Lobbyists; Political Action Committees, etc. Something had to be done...
And so the same powers that were able to silence the truth about 9/11 and to control the media in perpetuating the government's narrative about that mass murder, are still at work.
If you are a feeble minded sheep, and don't know any better, you might take the bait and vote for Joe Biden, the politician.
Anyone, but a politician should be the mantra of the American people.
The Powers have done a good job on "people of color" this cycle, as well as other lost children, brainwashed by the far left.
They've gotten plenty of people to hate Donald Trump, yet not really know why.
"I hate him; that's why!" Really good logic, person of color...or person who wants socialism because it isn't fair that other people are smarter, and more ambitious than them; and so they are rich and they (the typical B.L.M. protesters) are not.
This isn't fair to them, in an inherently unfair world. We need to take a bunch of money from those billionaires and pass it out to the people!
Isn't it those billionaires who desperately want Biden in office? Shouldn't that be some kind of red flag.
You don't think Biden would raise those taxes and then the money would NOT go to the American people, do you? Not a career politician like him, no, that would never happen. He would never say one thing and then do another; like, er, a career politician would, right?
At least with Donald, we know what we are getting.
It would take Joe 4 years to undo Trump, and then we would be right back to where Obama left off.
Michelle Obama was actually instrumental in my getting my apartment, as a disabled veteran, or so I was told by my caseworker. She came and gave a speech to us veterans in 2014, when I shook her hand and joked about her arm wrestling Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, and we wound up talking for a couple minutes while the agents who would eventually track me down in the wilderness and give me the key to my apartment, looked on in admiration.
"You owe your apartment to the Democrats," my caseworker Tim told me. He wouldn't elaborate. But, the timing of that made me wonder if Michelle didn't whisper to someone: "Make sure he gets taken care of..."
I expect my pastor to have great moral rectitude and give me a hug. My president, not so much. We just might need an asshole in our corner these days...
Give 'em hell, Donny!
We could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.
Daniel, you are not an intellectual nor a political analyst.
ReplyDeleteSeriously...shut the fuck up.