Saturday, November 7, 2020

OK, I Will Shut The F*** Up Now

 It's all fake; all phony.

All the crap in the media and on Facebook and Youtube, none of it can be trusted.

It turns out that the guy whom it was discovered, voted in Michigan when he was born in 1902, and would be 118 years old, was a younger guy with the same name who lived at the same address.

A coincidence that a computer algorithm processing a huge database was able to discover.

Instead of it being the tip of an iceberg of voter fraud, it wasn't even one instance of it.

I guess the masses turned out to be too gullible and the onslaught of anti-Trump stuff on 95 percent of the channels got to them.

I'm not going so far as to say that I hope this brings about a race war (even though that would vindicate Charles Manson, who thought that the Beatles White Album portended such a thing) just so I could say "I told you so," and that it serves people right for voting for socialism, yadda yadda..

I don't hope that. It wouldn't be worth seeing the country go the way of the Roman Empire just so I could be proven right.

I do hope that Biden will be ineffective and that the Republicans will logjam every single thing he tries to do.

And, after about a year, when he has his stroke, or whatever is in their script, and Kamala takes over. 

I hope she doesn't just stand behind the podium with that dopey grin on her face too much.

But, as for me, I am going to go back to not turning my TV or radio on for weeks on end.

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