I am thinking of taking this blog to a platform that hasn't shadow banned me because of my perceived beliefs.
I'm making new "friend"s on gab.com; and Rumble is just as good as youtube. Maybe I can ditch the whole lot of them, those too cowardly to even comment on a facebook status that I post out of fear of associating with someone who doesn't believe one hundred percent that the November 2020 election was absolutely bereft of fraud, in all its guises, whatsoever. And, one who hasn't believed in the necessity of wearing masks since the last time it was deemed necessary (not counting, of course, the brief period when it was deemed that they do no good, but certainly before then -the first time they were necessary).
If you think that the response to the virus is some kind of dress rehearsal for the powers that be to test how much control over the populace they can exert, and you voice this concern; then you can kiss your facebook friends goodbye. Not even the president of the United States could save you, once you incur the wrath of Big Tech; that is becoming common knowledge. Zuckerburg and friends will appoint that next president, anyways...the more brain-dead the better.
You don't want to "like" anything that a pariah like myself might post, even if you actually like it.
I could get a GoDaddy account for something like 30 bucks a year and have them host my blog. I would then be able to put my own neat little applications on them, written in Ruby on Rails. Of course, the only one I have thought of is one that would locate and direct homeless people to the best ashtrays to pick butts from in every city in the U.S. (worldwide would be too monumental a task, as I don't even know if people smoke in Mandalay, for example, or if they have homeless people).
But, Google has set a flag bit on my account, the "Trump" bit to "1" rather than "0" and so it is not my shitty writing, but a group of gen Z snowflakes that have decided that the world shouldn't see my blog.
I am planning a pretty good going away party. I want them to delete me with a vengeance; and that is not an easy undertaking in this culture.
I will think of something. I might start to advertise illegal immigrant Mexican girls for sale, including (random off of Facebook) pictures of them. I'll give them something to cry about, if they think that my mock up of the first Trump/Biden debate, where I made the latter look like a fool (even before it was cool to do so on the "right") is reason for disappearing all my posts, regardless of title keywords or "relevance" to whatever a person might be searching for.
If you want to know what it's like to make a living playing music on the street in New Orleans, you aren't going to get any information from a guy whom the algorithm flagged as "probably voted for Trump;" not through a Google search, not on their watch!
I can't think of her name, but some "opinion" journalist for CNN lambasted those who harbored the "conspiracy theory" that the people that stormed the capital on January 6th were not all Trump supporters, some of them might have been Antifa people who wanted the blame to fall upon Trump supporters.
Give me a break, it was about the smallest "insurrection" imaginable, 120 whole people who went into the building and did nothing useful, such as drag Pelosi out by her hair and whisk her away to be held for ransom (in the form of four more years for Trump).
So, this reporter, OK, I looked it up; Nicole Henner went on to point out that the right wing, or whatever, has a history of pushing conspiracy theories on the public.
She mentioned the ones, such as: a sitting president having foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack, but letting it go down because he wanted to enter WWII, and, well, here it is...
Finally inquiring minds will be able to satisfy their curiosity about the Kennedy assassination, for starters.
Surely Nicole is privy to some knowledge about those events back in November of 1963 and, thus, can say with authority that the Johnson "involvement" theory is utterly false and absurd.* No need to investigate any further into the Clinton's either -nothing to see here, move on...or get cancelled...
I'm looking forward to her publishing the "real" facts about the matter. How does she know all that about Roosevelt. It would be a public service for her to divulge what it is that she knows that the rest of us don't. I'm all ears.
Looking at her, I am instantly struck by her resemblance to one Louise Helton, whom I let stay at my place for what amounted to a couple of weeks.
She was a man hater; said she would have loved to have joined the military back whenever the last war was, so she could have killed "camel riding misogynists."
She couldn't join though, because of her Varicose veins. Of course she has Varicose veins. People like Louise always have something -something to be a victim of. Diabetes, sure. High blood pressure, sign her up...
She was such a misandrist, that it should have been a red flag for me, but it wasn't. That is all in a previous post from those days, but she wound up leaving my place, dragging her rolling luggage behind her and yelling: "He was probably going to rape me!" to anyone within earshot, all the way down Canal Street.
Her job was as a tarot card reader on Royal Street. She made pretty good money. Imagine that. She could tell the fortunes of and give advice to any and all, men included, who were gullible enough to sit at her table and ultimately plunk down anywhere from the minimum of 20 dollars to 100 or so for a "good" reading.
Well, I guess I was had by her, and that falls upon me.
She started to rage and yell after I left something on the stove that began to smoke, though not enough to set the smoke detector off.
I could have killed all of us; including the cat. "At least care about a defenseless animal!" she yelled.
Then she told me she was going to cook a good meal on my stove and then take a long hot shower, before leaving; because she didn't want to stay with such an irresponsible individual.
She didn't drink, and she blamed my drinking for my almost burning down the whole place.
She didn't want to stay with a "stupid alcoholic" any more. But she was going to get a long hot shower, and then cook the rest of her food and eat; then she would go, yelling "He was probably going to rape me!" as she went.
You, see, because I have a voucher to pay for my rent as a veteran, and because she was totally willing to enlist for the killing of camel loving misogynists, and since it was no fault of hers that she had Varicose veins, and thus, no fault of hers that she wasn't a veteran like me; she had every right to my apartment.
"Just because the government is stupid enough to give a place to a stupid alcoholic, when I am just as deserving doesn't mean I'm not entitled to a good hot meal and a long hot shower. You're not going to begrudge me a shower!" she said.
That is just a thumbnail sketch of Louise Helton. I heard from Johnny B., a street musician who played right down the street from where she gave her "readings," that the police had turned a deaf ear to her constant complaints about men who had allegedly "tried to rape her."
It seems that, one time, Johnny was playing on the spot where she usually gave her readings because some other musician had beaten him to his regular spot.
She confronted him, probably telling him that she was entitled to that spot somehow.
Johnny stood his ground, telling her something pat like: "I don't see your nameplate or anything on this spot," and that, as far as he knew, it was first-come-first-serve for street musicians in New Orleans (unless you have a benefactor like I do in Lilly, who owns 14 million dollars worth of property and rents 2 restaurants, one of them a "5 star" one).
And so, Louise decided to fight for "her" spot by marching right to the police station to file assault and attempted rape charges against Johnny B. in some machination. That would get rid of him; if she had to play hardball, so be it.
"If you let me stay at your place, |
you'll be doing God's work!" |
And so, as soon as I saw the picture of Nicole Hemmer, I got the same vibe as with Louise Helton.
I think I have a pretty good sense for these things, as, since I have so much trouble recognizing faces, I have had to lump new acquaintances into categories populated by people I've already met.
![]() |
Utterly False |
I was struck by the resemblance of Nicole to Louise.
And, I wasn't too surprised to see, at the top of her website, a link that people could click on so they could support "women owned businesses" -not businesses that provide the best products and services -if there is an all women owned outfit competing with them. No, we all need to "lift up" the all-woman owned businesses, even if it means compromising a bit on goods and services. We need to strike a blow at the patriarchal system that has been in place for so long.
We all need to ascribe to what is true about Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy assassination, 9/11, and especially the election of 2020; just ask Nicole Hemmer, she will set you right; She just knows. She is woke.
Gee, that sounds a lot (the all women owned thing) like something that the Louise Helton that stayed at my place would champion on her website, but wait...
...she has every right to my shower... |
I tried to go to Louise's Facebook page, for a picture of her to put here -I remember just recently her having a birthday "send her a birthday wish," or something, but, I was taken aback at first because her page had undergone a "facelift" of sorts.
It's just that, a little while ago, I was notified that it was Louise's birthday on Facebook; now, she has disappeared from my friend list, but there is a new "Louise Helton" in New Orleans, who apparently went to the same high school as the tarot card reader...
Note: The above picture appears twice because I can't delete the one right above; as if facebook embedded some code into it. The one at the top doesn't show the name Louise Helton, which was the point of me pointing out the page...
I even went into the html editor and manually deleted the code to render the picture; but it is still there. Maybe one more reason to leave facebook alone...
Maybe she dyed her hair darker and got some kind of skin treatment; lost a few pounds; went back in time....
She is probably roughing out the Covid lock down thing, where she can't ply her trade on Royal Street by becoming a meat puppet on Facebook.
"Friend me because I'm beautiful; then send me money because I'm in an abusive relationship and I will use it to buy a plane ticket to fly out to wherever, to be with you," type of thing...
If those stupid camel loving misogynists are stupid enough to fall for it, then, they're just getting what they deserve...
Well, look at the time; I had better go and get some pot and deal with my own lock down...
*that's kind of funny because one of my other friends (on facebook, as a matter of fact) whom I met in Mobile, Alabama, and whose father happened to be one of the "three hobos" who were detained after the shooting of the president; told me quite a different story.
While it's true that his father was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and dressed the wrong way -train hoppers don't usually wear business suits- he
seemed to have some inside scoop about the incident -said that the gunman who fired the fatal shot was in the sewer under the street, firing up through the grate (back and to the left; back and to the left).
He didn't tell me which tramp was his dad; I don't think it was the one that is Woody Harrelson's brother; if even that is true.
Left: Does this look like someone who would fabricate stories?
Like, that his buddy who took the picture is a professional photographer, or something?
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