Monday, April 19, 2021

Please, No More Alexander Glauzanov!

 In psychology, impulsivity (or impulsiveness) is a tendency to act on a whim, displaying behavior characterized by little or no forethought, reflection, or consideration of the consequences.

I saw the TV ad for the singing bird clock.

It seemed to make so much sense to me, who had been in the habit of waking up at around 1:30 p.m., when the sun was at its zenith.

Then, more recently, Jeopardy, which comes on at 11 a.m., has had me drifting off around 3 in the morning, so as to wake up in time for it.

But, then I thought about how I want to establish kind of a routine, which would have me practicing all of the arts at least once a day.

There would be reading, writing, drawing, computer programming, exercising, meditation, and the music could further be divided into making beats, guitar practice, recording music to the beats, lyric writing, etc.

All the while continuing to study the video editor so my next video might have animations and stuff...

So, the singing bird clock seemed a godsend, in that I could learn to recognize the hour by which bird sings, and could arrange a schedule around them. When the cardinal sings, practice the guitar with a metronome until the wren croaks, type of thing.

As I can see from zooming in on the photo above, when the Hermit Thrush sings, it will be time for Jeopardy.

Alas, impulsivity was behind me grabbing my phone and ordering a singing bird clock, and doing so "withing the next 10 minutes" so as to be entitled to a handbook of North American birds, at no extra cost.

I could have gotten the clock for about half of what I wound up paying for it.

Like so many other products, it seems like the company is probably making half of their profit by charging way more for shipping than it realistically would cost to ship something like a 1 pound singing bird clock. It was about 7 bucks more, for shipping.

And it happened that I wasn't informed of the shipping cost until after I had suffered through a 20 minute "conversation" with an automated female sounding voice, who offered me bird feeders and to upgrade my clock to one with genuine walnut finish, or for even more, a mahogany encased singing bird clock.

The first option presented was to press either "one" or "two" for which one of the add-on wood finishes I wanted my clock to come in. No third option was mention; one for "just send me the regular old plastic singing bird clock." I had to suffer through it saying "I'm, sorry, I didn't get that; press 'one' to upgrade to walnut wood..."

Please, no more Alexander Glauzanov!!

After a long pause, the thing said, "To reject the upgrade to these beautiful clocks, press 'zero."

The voice even sounded hurt after I managed to pass on the bird feeder that you can stick to the outside of your window.

I initially thought this wasn't for me, because of the building not having windows that open. It wasn't until recently that I thought about just grabbing a ladder from the maintenance "shed" and sticking such a feeder to the outside of my window.

I could probably rig up some invention for getting seeds and suet into it, without needing the ladder every time. It would provide some entertainment for Harold the cat to be able to perch on the window sill just on the other side of the glass from the birds. 


  1. Glazunov is a composer I need to delve into, its a shame he still gets a bad wrap today like he did when Stravinsky and even his own pupil Shostakovich rose to fame. Cute cat by the way!

  2. I wonder how Glazunov would feel knowing that the second movement of his 3rd string quartet made for a comfortable place for a feline's anus, lol.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...