This blog has kind of become like a large sheet of poster board that I began to doodle on with water colors.
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The way Google sees me? |
If you want to lighten up an area, you can't do it by adding in lighter colors like yellow, because yellow will only "lighten" blue, for example, to some shade of green that is actually darker than the original two shades of blue and yellow.
So, I guess the trick is to paint the whole canvass with the lightest shade that is going to be in the picture, then to allow that to show through in the spots that are to be the lightest, then to darken down every thing around it.
It seems the more you do it it, the closer the work comes to being a murky black nondescript blob.
So, my goal is to start all over with a plain white background.
I will do this by getting a burner phone, then using its number to open a new email account, then a new Google Account, and then a new Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Blogger (or Wordpress) blog.
That way I can start off in the brightest, most possible way, and not have things sullied by the background that it is on top of.
Though a leopard can't change its stripes, it can go somewhere where its stripes blend in better.
That is assuming I choose to do business on the major "Big Tech" platforms mentioned above.
But those platforms are like the phone company. Anyone with any kind of phone can call anyone in the world who has a phone. It isn't like people with i-phones can only call other people with i-phones.
But it is a situation where some people's numbers are unlisted when the phone book comes out.
All my online activity -the gin fueled rants, the things said facetiously that the algorithm can't distinguish as such, and thus flags; the disabling of comments on my last Youtube musical because of the Dance Moms girls featured, etc. etc.
All that can't be lightened up. Any bright colors I add on top of things is just bringing my whole online presence closer to being a black blob.
I think human nature will eventually prevail and the shadow banning will not be allowed.
Yesterday's post about how I am procrastinating in getting the vaccination, I'm sure triggered the algorithm to decrement my "woke" bit another -.45 or something, as "a vaccination denier" pushing the blog further down in any hypothetical search situation.
The comment about how it always seems to be the races with the least diversity that seem to care the least about themselves. The Indians are all brown skinned with brown eyes, and were burning their Covid deceased in huge bonfires -plenty more where they came from, seems to be the attitude.
The Chinese, black hair atop every single one of their heads, has seen its share of millions being killed by their government. Black on black crime is of an epidemic proportion.
∞ x 58,000
It seems like the white societies have the highest regard for the worth of the individual. When 58,000 Americans perished in Vietnam it was hard not to think of it from the perspective of being just one of those people.
To him, the whole world ended, and a unique individual was lost to all. What poetry might he have written, had he lived? What kind of children might he have had? Was he reminiscing about something that happened to him when he was a child, viewed through his own unique filters on the day that he got killed? What an incalculable loss...what is infinity, multiplied by 58,000?
It seems like us white people believe that the loss of any single life is a tragedy. While the Chinese might line up 2,000 of their citizens, who all look very much the same, and execute them, for political reasons.
The people in the U.S. who are opposed to the death penalty stand by the principle that, because of the risk that just one person who is innocent might be wrongfully executed; that is grounds for scrapping the electric chair and closing the gas chambers, etc. We imagine; what if that one person was me?
It seems to be coming to the point of Google sending everyone who goes online a simple survey, like: "Do you believe that the November 2020 election was fair?" and if you answer one way, it will be like: OK, your I.P. address has been unlinked from the worldwide web; you can still use your smartphone to make voice calls and dial 911
But maybe the risk of them wrongfully disconnecting an innocent person is what is keeping them from doing something like that.
I don't doubt that Biden "got" the 78 million votes. But I also don't doubt that millions of Zucker Bucks were paid to people whose job was to "get out the vote" and who focused upon getting that vote out of communities where the Democrat's propaganda had taken root. This guy with the huge B.L.M. sign in his front yard; let's see if he's home...type of thing
Like the 2,000 Chinese lined up against a wall and shot, 2,000 people in urban Philadelphia were paid a visit by a "registrar" working for the Democratic Party, who might have presented them with an absentee ballot, and maybe even offered to stand there a minute while they did so; so that they wouldn't even have to go to the mailbox to send it in. The registrar would put all the ones she gathered in the nearest drop box for them.
The black people in my neighborhood were often seen walking in groups with some of them wearing shirts that said "I Can't Breath," or "B.L.M." and always at least one of them, a shirt with the word "VOTE" in huge letters.
Nobody encouraged me to vote; nobody knocked on my door, offering to register me on the spot and even hand deliver my ballot for me, after giving me a 5 dollar gift card for Burger King*
*I'm not sure the registrars went that far.
A.O.C. the congresswoman is trying to allocate taxpayer money to hire a whole army of such "registrars"
When I went to the fire station down the street to vote, there were people working there, who seemed to be greeting the black people and chatting with them; and then when I had gotten to the front of the line, I was left to stand there with not even a glance cast my way.
"Hello, is this where I vote?" drew the attention of a woman who resembled Jen Psaki who then accosted me with "Can you put on your mask?!"
"Oh, yeah..."
As I fumbled with the straps and my hat and my ears, I added "...first time for everything..."
"First time for everything?!" Jen echoed with venom.
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Because we are 99% sure of how you will |
"Yeah, I never leave my apartment; because of the lock down" didn't seem to mollify her, as she stared into me with a dark hatred in her eyes, of the kind I have only seen reserved by many for Donald Trump, and maybe Hitler. I felt like she was trying to get to him, through me.
I was kind of hoping that some of the obese "vote" billboards behind me in line would think: "Did you see the way she treated that guy who looks like a Trump voter? I'm switching parties right now; I don't want to ally myself with that!"
But, fat chance...
Maybe after I become born again of water and pixels, I will separate things into perhaps separate blogs. One's on kratom, music, politics, and maybe natural cures for eczema.
I could get a little camcorder and become an overnight sensation on Twitter or Instagram, who knows. The possibilities are infinite, when you don't have the algorithm dragging you down with its shadow banning.
In today's climate, I'm sure a lot of my previous readers have stopped doing so, out of fear that "He reads a blog by a vaccination skeptic" will be appended to their Gestapo file in Mountain View, and that will cause the "like" button to become disabled on anything they, themselves, might post. Nobody seems to like me anymore; I must have done something wrong...
So, do I think the election was fair?
Well, I would say that people don't vote for a variety of reasons, with laziness or apathy near the top of the list of reasons. If these people could be incentivized to vote, this is ostensibly good for Democracy...
But if these people are cherry picked out of a group of people who all look the same and think the same and even smoke the same cigarettes (Kool) then this is bad for Democracy...
If Republicans pour money into organizing an army of people to take to the streets and do things like going into nursing homes and getting people suffering from dementia to "vote," then I think that would level the playing field in that regard, at least.
And, if Republicans could take over the Internet and flood people's inboxes with attack ads against the Democratic candidate and only recommend videos to them that echo the sentiment, and then make it so television personalities, from Whoopie Goldberg in the morning, who would kick an interviewee loudly off the set for espousing the Democratic narrative, all day long, ending with the late night comedians, who would feel that they had better trash that candidate nightly, regardless of whether or not they can think of a funny joke to go along with it, or their show will be cancelled; and if they could get a majority of college professors to preach the Republican mindset to their students...
Then, well, no, that wouldn't be fair at all!
"It seems like the white societies have the highest regard for the worth of the individual."
ReplyDeleteWOW are a clueless racist entitled twat. FUCK YOU.