Thursday, November 4, 2021

They've Got Me Back Where They Want Me?

  • More B. S. With Shadow Banning?
  • Halloween Night Jam 
  •  I Think I Have Covid 
  •  Lack Of Cash Turns Me Into Toilet Paper Thief
We can't have Street Musician Daniel getting over a thousand hits on any of his posts, now can we? He has a "woke" index of .0014 -not good at all!

It may be because a post I did last week garnered a lot of traffic, and one of those 1,148 people flagged the blog as being misinformation, but Google has me right back to getting 8 viewers a day.

I can't wait until the backlash from this kind of crap stirs up people like Dave Chapelle and Russell Brand to push for the breaking up of this monopoly on the dissemination of content on the Internet.

I have found that on, there are discussion groups on almost anything you can think of. And on the ones I have read that are concerned with privacy and censorship etc. there are people who actually advise others to avoid certain terms, and the list includes basically anything considered a current event. If you write about the Virginia gubernatorial race, for example, your post will be sent to some woke lemming who will apply his "judgement" as to whether or not the public should be able to see what you had to say on the topic.

This blog is just a dress rehearsal for when I start a blog "from scratch" under a different name, using a different SIM card in my hot spot phone, and a different Google account, etc.

Another part of me, though, wants to just try to make the best content possible for those 8 people. Then, they could selectively share it with people they trust. It would grow my readership slowly, but surely.

What good is it to get thousands of eyeballs on your stuff if just one of them is going to "report this blog" to the gestapo.

I won't get mad, I'll just outsmart the algorithm. I don't even feel like writing any more; as in any more, ever.

Halloween Jam

Meanwhile, Jacob sent me a nice photo of our Halloween night jam; a jam that did indeed take place as planned, despite some mild doubts that I had expressed in Friday's post, I think it was.

I chalk it up to the fact that Jacob and I have both been drug free, and thus, not subject to the fluctuations in blood sugar levels and their attendant mood swings which could have a person all high and psyched up to make music one minute; and then "just not feeling up to it" 24 hours later.

However, pot still wound up being a chief factor in governing the proceedings. The rest of the band showed up for the occasion, in the midst of making frantic arrangements for getting stoned, despite evidence that they had already done so, in the act of them ravenously consuming almost the whole bowl of candy which had been provided by the owner of the house, near the doorway, for trick-or-treat-ers.
Having encountered it upon walking in, and before either Jacob or I noticed the chewing sounds and could stop them, it never stood a chance of having enough in it to handle the surge of kids in costumes, outside of some kind of miracle being performed, akin to feeding a multitude of people off of one loaf of bread and a fish...

We couldn't start jamming right away because a run had to be made to the store to procure a "gar" (short for a cigar to be used to roll a "blunt" [a term for a cigar emptied of tobacco and then re-packed with marijuana]) which was made, while Jacob and I rode off in the same direction to get Eddie. 

Then, another trip had to be made to "the lake" so the blunt could be smoked out of view of the security cameras that the owner of the house monitors, and since there wasn't room for Eddie in the car that the candy eaters had arrived in, Jacob and I drove him, and another guy who had inexplicably been abandoned by them -he might have been dropped off in a different car- to the lake, even though we weren't going to participate in the smoking of the weed. 

All this running around being done burning gas which is almost 3 bucks a gallon; and yet another example of how convoluted things get when getting stoned is the number one priority.

We got back and were just getting warmed up when the doorbell began to ring and we were treated to the sight of the most diverse imaginable group of trick-or-treaters from Bob, the owner of the house's neighborhood.

Bob is a straight white male, in his straight white oasis, with his "Jesus 2024" sign stuck in the lawn and his TV with the dial that broke off with it tuned to Fox News. A handful of darts thrown at a map of the world would have a decent chance of landing on the countries of origin of all the people that live on Bob's street. That is, unless you were a good dart thrower and aimed at the United States...

Covid Symptoms

I have probably picked up the virus from smoking butts out of the ashtray from the bar on the corner. I've woken up feeling like I was coming down with the flu the past couple days, and this morning some beet juice I drank tasted metallic and I could hardly taste nor smell my coffee.

But, just as it was yesterday, after blowing my nose a few times, I felt back to normal by mid day.

I'm done here. The shadow banning is just pissing me off and now I will just walk around, spreading my misinformation in person. That's OK, because I can't reach millions of people that way, right Zuckerberg and you woke assholes?!

The climate is warming and we all need to swallow down high priced pharmaceuticals to stop it, right woke assholes? 

I'm, or course, just saying this because of the white privilege that I don't even realize I have, right woke assholes?!

I've had the regular flu and it was worse than this, go to hell, Fauci and company!

Or should I say Fauci and drug companies? You make me sick, Fauci; get it? You're the Minister of Health or whatever; and you make me sick!

Biden should just wear a Pfizer pin on his lapel.

I should get a chemistry set and start making my own drugs; claim that they cure some disease and get lobbyists to pay off the FDA people to get it approved....that way I would be able to buy toilet paper instead of wadding it up in my pockets in the Winn Dixie men's room. Or the women's room, if I am identifying that way that day....

I hope my 8 readers get a chuckle over that....

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