Sunday, December 19, 2021

You Lucky Ones


This is my excuse for not getting on my bike and riding to the Lilly Pad, even though there would be people walking through the rain there, and some of them might throw me a 20, saying: "I guess the rain has put you out of business and you're not going to make anything..."

There must be a term for that kind of irony; when a person is throwing you a bunch of money to make up for the fact that you are apparently not going to make anything; and you wind up making more money off such people than you would have if it had been a clear and beautiful night and you were playing "Who's That Girl," by Madonna, over and over, or something...

So, I have used the weather as an excuse to stay in and get drunk and plan to go on a cleansing fast starting tomorrow.

The beauty of a cleansing fast is that, with the diminishing of desire for the satisfying of all addictions comes the secure feeling that all is well. I don't have to do a couple shots of brandy and smoke a bowl of weed while I am tuning up in order to match the mindset of the people walking past the Lilly Pad...

I don't have to make enough money to buy anything, really; the food stamp program is truly an enormous blessing. Unless the absence of it would force me out to work every single night and that would have translated into an even more genuine blessing...

Did I mention that Rouses Market is once again putting their trash out onto the street in a dumpster; after having taken 4 years off from doing so.

I guess the reasoning is that there are hardly any homeless people here in New Orleans any more. A lot of them, I see whipping out hundred dollar bills in the Unique Store, before getting into their cars, that are parked out front without any apparent concern by them of being ticketed for parking in that particular zone...

There has truly been a "reset" due to the fake pandemic, where a virus that would not be too severe, but severe enough to kill off the weak would be released and that would be used to shutter the middle class businesses, forcing the owners of such to lock down and stay home; and the employees of those to lock down and stay at home; and then the money would start to appear on a Bank One card, linked to their Pandemic Unemployment Assistance accounts...

This would move all of the assets of the middle class into the coffers of the global elitists -all the citizens would be living off of government handouts while they hunkered down at home; and they would be provided with unlimited data flow and be able to watch Youtube et. al. all day and be brainwashed by the content...

Pretty soon, everyone would believe that by 2030, they would "own nothing, and be happy."

Geez, all that is beyond the scope of this blog, yet, in a sense, not.

Because of the shadow banning algorithm, I am able to say things on this blog that would have otherwise been censured on other sites. Cancelled.

I have already been shadow banned and so, the algorithm believes that I am only communicating to no more than a handful of people with this blog, so let me say anything I want.

I could post anything without fear of seeing this blog "removed" because of it; and in my more drunk moments, I am tempted to do just that.

The only way anything here would go "viral" would be through people choosing to "share" the content. Not likely when I post about me going out and playing music and getting tips...

So, everybody is happy. My dangerous ideas are kept under wraps...

But, let me check my stats....

Wow, a blog that is only shown to the 16 followers of it, and has been disappeared to the rest of the world-wide web had 135 people check it out yesterday alone (which makes that a slow day, by the way).

It's interesting.

I'm flattered enough that I want to strive to make these posts better; but stay true to the blog's busking roots, of course.

So, in that spirit, I will sign off now, as I sit here, on a Sunday morning, having not gone out to busk because it was raining pretty moderately; I would have been soaked and it wouldn't have been good for my wooden guitar.

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