As I sit here on Monday night;
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Before her 7th birthday, she had already seduced |
the most powerful man in the world... |
So, I suppose Trump would be a pedophile, right Joe? |
You Have To Start Somewhere, Little Girl...
I have changed my schedule so that I practice the guitar first thing in the morning; and that means that I sometimes wind up messing around with music for the rest of the day, and don't get to this blog.
I just remembered, I need to go and find some pictures to use as still shots for the next video that I plan to make (spoiler: right).
If I do go to Youtube it will be to watch Russell Brand's daily video; and maybe J.P. Sears' one if he did one today (he posts about as much as I do here, as far as frequency) and then I might watch another one out of Jordan Peterson's "Biblical Series" series -of course those can be up to 2 and a half hours long...I still haven't done the Wim Hof breathing exercises and, d'oh! I just ate; and Wim recommends doing the thing on an empty stomach, for optimal results...
I've got Jr knocking on my door with his bottle of vodka and his weed, and offering me food; he's always offering me food and he is the type that I guess just doesn't believe in people having dietary issues; to wit, in my case, an issue with "hydrogenated soybean oil.
And I shudder to think of what kind of oil goes into his culinary creations. He seems to value sharing food with other people almost as if he wouldn't really trust another person until he has shared food with them. But, if the vodka and the weed and the occasional crack that he offers is any indication of the wholesomeness of his offerings; I might as well assume that the food he eats is poison to some degree, in keeping with his general thrust, in life.
I remember about a week or so ago, when I had started to practice out of one of my Mel Bay books; fully rested and sober, with only coffee and kratom as a catalyst for sitting there being hypnotized by the metronome. It is very much like a meditation, and, as such, should be done sober.
On this particular day, I was about a half hour in when there when Jr knocked at my door. He had a bottle of vodka and some weed. I decided to let him in and drink and smoke with him.
I had to clear a spot on my couch for him to sit, and so I moved the lesson books I was practicing out of off of it, placing them on the floor right in front of it.
Jr sat down, and wound up with his feet on top of the Mel Bay books. This would have been harmless; except for the fact that he seemed to be trying to make himself comfortable by squirming around on the cushion and shuffling his feet around, so as to tear pages out of the lesson book, actually managing to rip the one I had just been practicing out of. It was as if he sensed that his feet weren't firmly planted on the carpet and started sliding them around like people do when they are on the beach and trying to dig their feet down into the cooler sand and kind of anchor themselves. I guess I was wrong in thinking that Jr could just sit with his feet on the lesson books, without him trying to do the Michael Jackson moonwalk on top of them.
Man Possessed By Evil Spirit
But, if I were to view things through a cosmic lens, I might hypothesize that Jr is possessed by a demon, and is hellbent upon ruining anything positive that I have going for myself.
I had thought about telling him, that morning, that I didn't want to drink or smoke weed until I had all my practicing done; but I had figured "what the hell" -at least I wouldn't have to pay for the buzz.
And so, I invite him in, and within 5 minutes he has torn the page I was studying out of the book, and ripped it almost in half.
The reason I am one of Jr's only options when it comes to finding someone whose companionship he can purchase with his booze and drugs, is that a lot of people in the building have deemed him to just be "trouble," in the sense that everything around him goes to shit; and if you happen to be around him, well...
Another good example is the time he let me use his discount bus pass, so I could ride to the plasma place for 80 cents, instead of a buck 25.
He was so adamant about me not loosing the thing -he spelled out everything he had had to go through to get the discount pass -he needed to get a note from his doctor saying that he is "disabled" and had to get the thing notarized and then bring it to the Regional Transit Authority building between the hours of 8 and 10 on a Wednesday morning, etc. etc. It had taken him something like 2 weeks to get the thing.
And so he made me cross my heart and promise that I would safeguard the thing with my life.
And to be quadruple sure that I wouldn't lose it, he took some kind of thick elastic hair band kind of thing and wrapped it three times around my little credit card holder wallet thing; I guess, so it wouldn't come open in my pocket and the card fly out?
I later figured that it was the added thickness of that elastic band that caused my little wallet thing to work its way out of my back pocket as I rode my bike towards the plasma place, after getting off the bus; after having ridden for only 80 cents and only had to flash Jr's card at the driver while putting the most retarded expression on my face that I could muster; trying to pass as Jr...
For 7 years my little credit card holder stayed in my back pocket as I rode hundreds of miles on my bike. But it had never been fattened up by having some thick hairband type thing wrapped three times around it. So, it wouldn't come open. So the card would be safe in there...
So, most people at Sacred Heart just avoid Jr because all kinds of bizarre occurrences surround him.
Another time, he went on some kind of errand, maybe to run to the DMV or something; an errand that should have taken maybe a few hours at the most. But he didn't come back until the next day, and with a blood stained shirt and a cast on one of his arms. He had gotten hit by a car (hence the broken arm) and then had gotten in a fist fight with the driver of the car (hence the bloody shirt and messed up face). Of course he did. The real shock would have come if he had just returned quietly in due time, having accomplished his errand...
But, not to pile on Jr. I'm doing this blog post and not drinking and smoking with the guy; though I am bracing myself to hear his distinctive knock on my door (like the mockingbird, Jr. actually mimics other people's knocks; such as at one time when I wasn't answering his knocks; and he returned a bit later and knocked exactly like Ray, one of the caseworkers, knocks; fooling me into opening the door, because if it was Ray, it might have been semi-important; and so I fell for the trick; and came face to face with Jr's vodka bottle; at 9 o' clock in the morning.
Well, I must divide my time between about a dozen tasks, only one of which is doing a blog post. I'm thinking of skipping all the mundane stuff in this blog and only posting stories from my past; and then, only when I recall a good one.
There is nothing more boring than reading about someone else's minor incidences. I don't even think I would be interested in reading what some celebrity I admire had for breakfast, or what he bought at the local grocery store that morning. If this is indeed a knock against Alex Carter's "The Pie Is A Lie" blog that I look at about once a month, then; well, if the shoe fits, then wear it, I would say...
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