Friday, October 28, 2022

Writer's Block

I used to read, write, do jigsaw puzzles, draw pictures, tend to plants, and do a lot of music -all while planning to take up yoga and maybe start jogging daily to an outdoor gym about a mile away where all the exercise "machines" are designed to use the body weight of the exerciser as the load (it's pretty ingenious, actually; you can set certain levers, gears, cogs and counterbalances so that if you weigh 150 you can actually bench press up to somewhere around 450 pounds, but you will actually be lifting your own body weight somehow). I have yet to experiment with that particular gym, which is spread out under a large canopy, so that you could work out on rainy days, even. That's because I have yet to start that particular fitness program.

Now other things are falling by the wayside; and I suppose it is because I am spending probably an average of 6 hours a day on Youtube and Rumble and Truth Social. Somehow, I think, a lot of stuff that I'm consuming on those sites is sapping energy from me...

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