We went out and played for something like 2 hours and 27 minutes I think it was, Saturday night into Sunday morning.
It's hard to complain when the most important thing -how we played- fell into the favorable category.
It's just going to take going out there more; maybe during the daytime one of these days; to turn the tide of the numbers game that busking is, around.
Jacob said that the stereo recording he made using 2 phones came out sounding good. I could post a song or 2 to Soundcloud and then link it to tomorrow's post...
Or I could play around with my audio editor program and add an orchestral instrument or 3.
Having the vocals loud and clear leaves a lot of sonic room for adding other things. At least a timpani thumping out an accent here and there might be tasteful...
The Hamlin Injury
I think it was the right decision to suspend the Bills/Bengals game after that Hamlin guy's heart stopped and he collapsed on the field.
Sure, players die in car crashes and other accidents off field and the games still go on. The players might wear arm bands with their fallen teammate's number on them; but the game still goes on.
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In this case, though, it would have been awkward.
The Bengals would have been in a position to take advantage of the understandably distracted Bills. And if they ran offensive plays designed to target the 3rd string guy who would have been replacing Hamlin; that would have been uncouth to say the least, and probably downright cold-blooded. At least give the Bills a week or two to fill in the void left behind by Hamlin...
As for the "experts" who immediately declared that there is no way that the injury could in any way be related to any pharmaceutical product that the players were mandated to take; what part of "nobody knows for sure," are they having trouble wrapping their minds around?
There are perhaps ways, barring the performance of an autopsy, to investigate that potential link; but I don't doubt that the whole matter will be swept under the Astro Turf, so to speak...
They Wouldn't Print It If It Wasn't True
Myself, I have been steering clear of as many political discussions as possible; taking Russell Brand's "Stay Free" podcast as my sole daily dose of news.
I believe that U.S. politics is like a theater production that's purpose is to distract the masses, by dividing them and pitting one tribe against the other; so that nobody is asking any questions about the elephant in the room. I wouldn't be surprised if the politicians meet behind closed doors and rehearse their antics; the way that professional wrestlers will get together and run through the program a few times ...I'll clothesline you; and you fall right about here; and then my partner will get up on the top rope and leap down, making it look like he landed right on your chest, and then...type of thing. Once the bell rings they become "mortal enemies," with their hatred of each other on full display for the audience -they who were sipping coffee together that same morning while choreographing the "mayhem."
As long as Americans continue to believe that "they wouldn't print it if it wasn't true," then, oh well, the liars will be effective and that "big club that you and I aren't in" will prosper, and I guess the common folk will get what they deserve.
This Biden guy has been caught in lies red-handed; but anyone who points that out; well, that person is lying...see where we are at?
Instead of shaking my head; I'm trying to go back to a life like I had when I lived in the woods and wouldn't even have known about "911" had I not a little transistor radio that ran a very long time on just 2 AA batteries. What I didn't know never seemed to hurt me. Simply by tuning that radio to the all-sports-all-the-time station and ignoring the newspapers at the beer and cigarette store, I wasn't burdened with a point of view; and that was quite liberating. There were dumpsters to dive into and fires to cook over, and songs to sing for tip money. There were hardly any divisions in society because the machine had succeeded in making 98% of the people of one mind; one narrative.
Now the cellphone is both a blessing and a curse. I might get randomly attacked while making a run to the corner store by someone whose phone has convinced them that I am the white oppressor; and probably voted for Trump, the worst president ever and the biggest white oppressor of all.
Joe Biden is the best president ever. It's all right there on PBS and NPR and CNN; all one has to do is open their eyes and see the screen! Everything on Fox News is a lie; as CNN has been diligent in pointing out...
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