Thursday, July 25, 2024

Call It Legacy Tender, Or Something...

I am sitting on Lily's steps after having walked around in the quarter, which seemed like coming back to old haunts and made me feel nostalgic and out of time. It has changed that much, and exudes the aura of "you can never go back, the past is gone.." Had I shown up today with nothing but a guitar and a backpack, rather than in 2010, I can't see how I could have had anywhere near the same adventure.
I've never seen so many unhappy looking tourists, and so many threatening looking -I used to call them skeezers- locals.
There are young black kids all along Bourbon Street banging on plastic buckets and turning what used to be an eclectic mixture of the 2 or 3 bands from the nearest 2 or 3 clubs, into utter chaos.
The club personnel that I saw were visibly perturbed, but I think they are afraid it could be considered racist to tell any of them to take their 5 gallon plastic buckets and their drumsticks and take a hike.
I will say that the quarter has enough  happening in the present moment (to be vigilant of) that it isn't merely like strolling down Memory Lane... there is clear and present idiocy.
So,  I walked down to Lily's as far as Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Tavern (I'll provide a link) and I found one Grenade with some left in it outside of that establishment.
And then Lily informed me that she will be able to buy me a set of strings tomorrow; ostensibly so I won't go to the plasma place as, I went there today and was told I have to go back tomorrow -which is pretty much the way that place operates.
So now, I walk home and see about trying to get up early enough in the morning to meet Lily to go to the music store, and that's all for now from this "walking down bourbon" mobile post.
Oh, The Clover Grill has a sign that says "no cash" and that's like a really scary, surrealistic sign of things changing too fast. Like; why not keep honoring cash for Christ's sake? Call it "legacy tender," or something...

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