I am under the throes of video addiction at a level that concerns me.
I went to the blog of Alex Carter, something I do less and less of these days, as in maybe once a month, since the quality of his writing has diminished, commensurate with his having taken up drinking again.
He has astounded me by being a text book, central casting version of the California progressive liberal, or whatever is the label stuck to "them."
I am starting to think that some globalist actor, or at least some group of U-Cal Berkley drop outs whose job it is to maintain the code for the Google algorithm, has as a goal to divide the people of this country into roughly two equal halves, and then pit the one against the other.
And at this point in history, with AI in its infancy, and with the smartphone having been calibrated to be a mind control tool, the person with a hand on the algorithm's lever has probably surpassed in power those that grip the fossil fuel lever. The tech people have become richer, overnight, than the oil moguls that took a generation or two to accumulate their wealth; and I think fossil fuels have become your grandfather's means of controlling populations.
Was not one of the objectives of the "world-wide" lockdowns to take just about every car off the road, to put a squeeze on the people with all that oil money? Maybe even to devalue the money that they already have? That Arabian Sheikh who would show up at the casino with the murmurings about him being a billionaire, "with a 'b,'" having circulated with people trying to picture what a thousand million dollars would look like, and all that. Yeah, like him.
Fast forward, and it's the Google algorithm that has erupted like black gold from the earth, and the power shifted to where a Zuckerberg is worth 100 times as much as that sheikh, and then this pandemic happens, and all the cars are taken off the streets, worldwide. An easy task, when you have the complicity of the media that everyone is staring at the programming of, all day every day. Then of course, pipelines are shut down or blown up, and it begins to look more like a war between new and old money.
And the pandemic also has the feature that, every time a citizen gets a "free 'immunization,'" CVS bills the treasury about $23 bucks, and sends it to Big Pharma, while Fauci is appearing on bought-off "mainstream" media telling everyone to get six of them.
And yeah, in all the confusion a guy with dementia gets installed in the Whitehouse, and the war machine cranks right up.
And there are people like Alex Carter in California taking PBS and NPR and the other 70 outlets owned by the same corporate interests, as gospel.
To me, it's like those logic puzzles I used to love to do.
They would describe a party for example. There would be 6 red chairs, 6 blue and 6 green. A party of 6 would show up, 3 of them would be wearing red carnations, 3 of them yellow. And then information would be given like, only one person with a red carnation is sitting in a green chair; three people are wearing hats; one of them is sitting in a blue chair; and he does not have a yellow carnation. Two people with red carnations arrived before anyone wearing brown shoes...etc
Then, at some point you have enough information to answer some question, like so who is the one that showed up last? Or something....
I look at the 72 outlets all broadcasting the exact same message, so that you could flip through all 72 "news" channels and hear: "Biggest threat to Democracy since the civil war..." 72 times. Quite unlikely that each anchor chose those same words.
Yet, there are those like Alex who just think that that is the voice of truth; always has been...
I remember as a kid, thinking that the news was true. And, since Walter Cronkite probably believed that whatever he was reciting was factual, there was the added deception that his sincerity afforded, and I remember thinking that was "the way it is."
So, with the last person who was involved in the Kennedy assassination having recently passed away, I would vote for Trump/Kennedy just to get that burning lingering curiosity satisfied (the releasing of classified documents pertaining to the event).
In the not so far future I think there may be no geographic borders; the only station that anyone could hold of any import will merely be if they are online or offline. It won't matter from where.
Armies won't be fighting for any red white and blue or any other color flags, war will probably default to the simplest division of the race into two roughly equal halves. It seemed like it was shaping up to be all "people of color" against the Caucasians; that would have been a pretty even sided battle. I think the sticking point was that Asians and maybe even Indians could not be persuaded to join the "of color" side. Maybe the algorithm hasn't learned how to control their minds because of some language barrier; or maybe the Chinese, for one, are actually smart to insulate their citizenry from western decadence.
So, it think that perhaps Marxist's vs. everyone else might be the dielectric that keeps the population in a sustainable polarity.
It's interesting how, as a whatever I am, I can observe the mainstream media in lock-step and hear Judy Woodruff bare ass lying, and pulling a "report" out of her butt hole about Trump asking Netanyahu to prolong the killing until after the election lest it boost the Kamala Hilarious campaign. It's down to bold-faced lying because the group that the algorithm has cordoned off into the half that Alex Carter is a poster boy for* has been captured and in Orwellian style is ready to accept that war is peace and ignorance is strength, type of thing.
Never suspicious that all 72 media outlets are parroting the same Hitler-esque big enough lies repeated enough times; type of thing, and though us "right wing" people can notice, and wonder aloud just why it's so important, to the people with their hand on the algorithm lever, to keep Trump out of office and out of these wars.
Us "conservatives" can figure out what color chair the man who gave the woman wearing a black carnation a piece of cake to is sitting in. But people living in places that have become crime infested shit holes like California have been trained to not even consider any other side to any story. I wonder if they even have access to a RFK Jr. speech or if the telecom companies throttle that data. Carter has said that the Internet is "spotty" out there in San Jose. Spotty like it is in Iran, he might mean. Seems to me they can't be stupid enough to believe that RFK Jr. is a radical lunatic just because the radical lunatics they see all day every day on their phones say he his...
A Trump administration would be a catastrophe; even though we had 4 years of one and it wasn't. It takes 8 years to impose a dictatorship, I guess, and Donald was just getting warmed up...
*Alex, who was a fist pumping supporter of the BLM scam, should be right there alongside those holding the "Free Palestine" signs. He IS them in every other ideological way, with the Trump Derangement Syndrome being paramount. But, since he sent his saliva to 23 And Me, and it came back that he is like 0.4% "Jewish," well, that's a whole different kettle of fish. He has skin in the game and on the matter of Israel he is a MAGA sympathizer. How feckless. I hope none of his far left radical progressive Marxist neighbors attack him when they see him coming out of a synagogue. He might be bludgeoned to death while yelling "I'm with you, I think George Floyd should replace Washington on the dollar bill!"
He's not a very useful idiot, his blog having no followers that I know of, for example...
I think Jesus warned believers about not being "lukewarm."
Anyways; I've resolved not to be a useful idiot myself, and I just pray for the will to never again click on another: "Watch Host Go Silent After Guest Say's The Quiet Part Out Loud!" type of video...
And I guess Woodruff wouldn't be bare ass lying if there weren't the gullible Alex Carter's out there.
Hopefully he has lost the link to this blog and I can start writing here without his snarky comments appearing as "anonymous" any more....
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