You Deserve No Break Today
It is Thursday. The Celtics play tonight. I am planning upon going to the Salvation Army to eat at 4pm. and to complain to them about the treatment which I received at 15 Place, which is now my address. I am a temporary "member" there, too.
I am still struggling to get my ID renewed. I met with a Mr. McDonald, at 15 Place and he would only issue me a temporary two week "membership" card.
He asked me why I was there, and how long I have been homeless. When I told him that I originally became homeless by choice so I could put as much money as possible into the stock market, back in '98, he took it the wrong way and said "We don't want people who choose to be homeless, we want people who want to get off the street." "If you're smart enough to beat(?) the stock market, then you can figure out things for yourself...you don't want to pay rent so you will have more money to invest; you're trying to beat the system!"
(note: outside the place there were "members" talking about how much they sold their food stamps for -one lady got 75 cents on the dollar, wow! - and about how the purple lorecets sold for more on the street than the red ones...and I"M trying to beat the system, yeah)
I told him that all that was gone, along with my car and my job and that II was tired of it, because now it is no longer by choice, and that if I had my ID from them, I could at least hope for a job.
Mr. McDonald Kicks Me To The Curb And Dashes My Hopes Of Ever Becoming A Productive Member Of Society, Reaffirming My Belief That I Had Been Marginalized By Society, Due To My Status, And Am Unwanted By Same Society; Beliefs That Had Caused Me To Basically Give Up In The Past Before Seeing A Glimmer Of Hope And Thinking That A Place Like 15 Place Might Be Able To Help Me
He basically told me that he was through talking, and told me to enjoy my "roadtrip." "If you want to live on the street and play your guitar and try to convince yourself that you're having a good time, then I don't want you on my team."
So, basically, everything I told him was wrong. I want my ID so I can apply for the oil-cleanup job. They are taking applications and guys are already going out, 20 at a time, and making $25/hour at it (after a short training class.) They are being put up in motels and are coming back here with $1,200 in their pockets per week.
I guess Mr. McDonald would want my money to go into the pockets of a landlord, instead of into investing in a better future for myself, and not the landlord. I don't know if I am reading him right, if that's the "system" that I am trying to "beat."
He told me to come back in two weeks and convince him that I am making some progress in getting off the street. I don't know what that would be, washing my clothes, eating free meals, trying to mug someone?
There is the Salvation Army, I will talk to them, and there is the Waterfront Mission, and I will talk to them. Maybe I can get ID without McDonald's help
So that is the way it is here. I made about another 17 bucks yesterday. The ID is 23 bucks.
It is Thursday. The Celtics play tonight. I am planning upon going to the Salvation Army to eat at 4pm. and to complain to them about the treatment which I received at 15 Place, which is now my address. I am a temporary "member" there, too.
I am still struggling to get my ID renewed. I met with a Mr. McDonald, at 15 Place and he would only issue me a temporary two week "membership" card.
He asked me why I was there, and how long I have been homeless. When I told him that I originally became homeless by choice so I could put as much money as possible into the stock market, back in '98, he took it the wrong way and said "We don't want people who choose to be homeless, we want people who want to get off the street." "If you're smart enough to beat(?) the stock market, then you can figure out things for yourself...you don't want to pay rent so you will have more money to invest; you're trying to beat the system!"
(note: outside the place there were "members" talking about how much they sold their food stamps for -one lady got 75 cents on the dollar, wow! - and about how the purple lorecets sold for more on the street than the red ones...and I"M trying to beat the system, yeah)
I told him that all that was gone, along with my car and my job and that II was tired of it, because now it is no longer by choice, and that if I had my ID from them, I could at least hope for a job.
Mr. McDonald Kicks Me To The Curb And Dashes My Hopes Of Ever Becoming A Productive Member Of Society, Reaffirming My Belief That I Had Been Marginalized By Society, Due To My Status, And Am Unwanted By Same Society; Beliefs That Had Caused Me To Basically Give Up In The Past Before Seeing A Glimmer Of Hope And Thinking That A Place Like 15 Place Might Be Able To Help Me
He basically told me that he was through talking, and told me to enjoy my "roadtrip." "If you want to live on the street and play your guitar and try to convince yourself that you're having a good time, then I don't want you on my team."
So, basically, everything I told him was wrong. I want my ID so I can apply for the oil-cleanup job. They are taking applications and guys are already going out, 20 at a time, and making $25/hour at it (after a short training class.) They are being put up in motels and are coming back here with $1,200 in their pockets per week.
I guess Mr. McDonald would want my money to go into the pockets of a landlord, instead of into investing in a better future for myself, and not the landlord. I don't know if I am reading him right, if that's the "system" that I am trying to "beat."
He told me to come back in two weeks and convince him that I am making some progress in getting off the street. I don't know what that would be, washing my clothes, eating free meals, trying to mug someone?
There is the Salvation Army, I will talk to them, and there is the Waterfront Mission, and I will talk to them. Maybe I can get ID without McDonald's help
So that is the way it is here. I made about another 17 bucks yesterday. The ID is 23 bucks.
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