Sunday, May 25, 2014

In Rare Form

  • 57 Buck Friday
  • 60 Buck Saturday
  • 1 Dollar Sunday
I guess that I am in rare form, having had a 57 dollar Friday, and then a 60 dollar Saturday...
The First Noticeable Effects of Drinking Upon Me
These are only estimates; as I am drinking again, but in moderation when playing, so as to promote 60 dollar nights.
I continue to get complements on the harp playing, even as my 5 harmonicas have accumulated a collective 12 stuck notes, and the ones which aren't stuck are tonally challenged. The reeds are probably gummed with barley, hops, rice and pure mountain spring water.
Last night, I had an instance of the-guy-who-just-started-playing-guitar-at-the-age-of-21, who, in adherence to an apparent trend, thought that I was amazing, and tipped often, and accordingly.
It's the ones who throw another 5 dollar bill after each song which they like whom I need to come up with a snigglet for.
When I got a 20, at one point, I said out loud: "Freedom!" and then went on to explain that there are a lot of things that I like to do, other than busking, which a generous tip affords the freedom to pursue.
That being said, I now give you one of the worst pieces of art which I have ever rendered, and one upon which I squandered some of that freedom money.
Don't even ask what that thing across the forehead is...
It's a self portrait.
It sucks.
I started to experiment with the different "brushes" available with the Paint program which comes free with Wiindows.
I learned by trial and (see drawing) error.
There is promise there, and if I were to be taken on as a student by the likes of Vincent Van Gogh, I think there would be seen a drastic improvement in my brush technique.
Alex The Caricaturist
One thought that I am having is that Alex In California, a reader and most frequent commenter has offered to draw a CD cover or two, for me to use in the near future when I produce a CD.
I posted the above in order to set the bar, so to speak, on the level of artistic merit that I would like any forthcoming caricature to achieve.
Now I am off to try to find out about editing the mp3 files that I recorded at the Lilly spot, some of which might be worth posting as "demos."

1 comment:

  1. Wow .. I thought I liked awful art but ... that is actually truly awful. Make it stop!

    It's 3 CD covers I plan to do ... need to get a scanner, to scan them, they'll be in black and white and you can fill in colors as you choose. Just give me a week or so. Plus, I need your physical address to mail the physical CD that they'll be burned onto, to.


Comments, to me are like deflated helium balloons with notes tied to them, found on my back porch in the morning...