I just texted Lilly, who might text back, in which case I would fold up this laptop, and make a dash for my gear at the apartment and then continue to the Starbucks where I invited her for coffee "at nine." It's eight-thirty now...
I asked her if she was still willing to house Harold the cat "for a couple weeks" while I try to go to Massachusetts.
The problem, for the past ten years, has been my never feeling fully prepared to make the trip.
I'm actually feeling like I haven't learned enough of the right material that I might want to play for certain people I might encounter while up there.
I need something in the Taylor Swift et. al. category for my nieces that I will be meeting for the first time, aged ten and under, for example.
Coming up with a solution to the Harold problem had been a big obstacle; stockpiling a couple weeks worth of food when it's hard enough just coming up with a can of it each night.
Should I give the key to my apartment to my neighbor?
Then, I would have to make a copy of it for myself...
Lilly keeping Harold seems to be a solution, if Harold would be able to exist there, stay within her yard, not bother her pet rabbit, or be bothered by her dogs, etc...
I went out to busk last (Friday) night, for a couple hours and maybe ten bucks.
I bought cat food, a cigar, and a jar of salsa, a Velveeta squeeze packet of cheese, and then went home where I made farina with salsa and cheese that tasted so much like a pizza that I was amazed.
I then ran through a song that Jacob Scardino had sent my through a Facebook message.
2 times through were enough so that I had the chords and melody under my fingers, but, by then the food and the weed put me to sleep.
I woke up at various times to switch lights off, the one by the jigsaw puzzle that I had worked at for about fifteen minutes, the one in the bathroom where I never did pour that hot bath to soak in while listening back to the parts that I had added to Jacob's song.
The one in the kitchen where cocoa powder and brown sugar adorned the counter.
Finding Everything
This morning (6 PM) I thought I was broke, having less than a dollar in change in my pocket; but then found 3 bucks in my tip basket.
I thought I was out of weed but found a fat gram in the plastic bag that the tuning machines that Alex in California sent me were in.
Bobby had given me that "that's right..now I remember" after I had gone over to show the machines to him, and had wound up figuring out a Jimi Hendrix riff on the guitar for him.
He wants me to write it in tablature for him, in exchange for the bud.
So, the free bud went in the bag with the free tuning machines, and then I got on the free bike, given to me by Dorothy, one of the case workers at Sacred Heart, and rode it to the Uxi Duxi, where I locked it up, using the free lock that Jacob Scardino had given me.
Then I walked inside and almost got a free shot of kratom; and would have had I had a cigarette on me to trade for it.
Lilly hasn't texted back yet, and it is 9 PM
Time to go out and play. Everything is happening so fast. But, the good news is that I'll have money on my food card in less than 2 hours.
I asked her if she was still willing to house Harold the cat "for a couple weeks" while I try to go to Massachusetts.
The problem, for the past ten years, has been my never feeling fully prepared to make the trip.
I'm actually feeling like I haven't learned enough of the right material that I might want to play for certain people I might encounter while up there.
I need something in the Taylor Swift et. al. category for my nieces that I will be meeting for the first time, aged ten and under, for example.
Coming up with a solution to the Harold problem had been a big obstacle; stockpiling a couple weeks worth of food when it's hard enough just coming up with a can of it each night.
Should I give the key to my apartment to my neighbor?
Then, I would have to make a copy of it for myself...
Lilly keeping Harold seems to be a solution, if Harold would be able to exist there, stay within her yard, not bother her pet rabbit, or be bothered by her dogs, etc...
I went out to busk last (Friday) night, for a couple hours and maybe ten bucks.
I bought cat food, a cigar, and a jar of salsa, a Velveeta squeeze packet of cheese, and then went home where I made farina with salsa and cheese that tasted so much like a pizza that I was amazed.
I then ran through a song that Jacob Scardino had sent my through a Facebook message.
2 times through were enough so that I had the chords and melody under my fingers, but, by then the food and the weed put me to sleep.
I woke up at various times to switch lights off, the one by the jigsaw puzzle that I had worked at for about fifteen minutes, the one in the bathroom where I never did pour that hot bath to soak in while listening back to the parts that I had added to Jacob's song.
The one in the kitchen where cocoa powder and brown sugar adorned the counter.
Finding Everything
This morning (6 PM) I thought I was broke, having less than a dollar in change in my pocket; but then found 3 bucks in my tip basket.
I thought I was out of weed but found a fat gram in the plastic bag that the tuning machines that Alex in California sent me were in.
Bobby had given me that "that's right..now I remember" after I had gone over to show the machines to him, and had wound up figuring out a Jimi Hendrix riff on the guitar for him.
He wants me to write it in tablature for him, in exchange for the bud.
So, the free bud went in the bag with the free tuning machines, and then I got on the free bike, given to me by Dorothy, one of the case workers at Sacred Heart, and rode it to the Uxi Duxi, where I locked it up, using the free lock that Jacob Scardino had given me.
Then I walked inside and almost got a free shot of kratom; and would have had I had a cigarette on me to trade for it.
Lilly hasn't texted back yet, and it is 9 PM
Time to go out and play. Everything is happening so fast. But, the good news is that I'll have money on my food card in less than 2 hours.
At least the tuning machines got there. Not a word of actual "thanks" thought. Typical skeezer.