Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wow, It's Really Tuesday Already?

It is the first of the month, and a lot of residents at our building are going to get their monthly checks from the taxpayers.

It will be interesting to see what happens.
As the cubist rendering to the right shows; I am doing fine.

I am pretty sure that panhandling has slumped lately; as the people they are begging now have concerns about their own survival.

With cops being some of the few people working, and with the roads and sidewalks bereft of people, the crack dealers pulling up to the front of our

building and having brief exchanges with the residents is going to stick out like a sore thumb, and maybe we will have some genuine "bad boys, what 'cha gonna do" type s*** going down for our viewing pleasure tonight, shortly after midnight, after the money arrives at an ATM near you.
"Most Popular All Time"
I have changed the "Most Popular This Year" widget on the right to become most popular, all time. I found out it was set for most popular last year, and so it was never going to change. 
I had wondered why it was the same three posts being "featured," unwavering.
To this day, I have no idea why the scary moment post got so many hits. There must have been a glitch somewhere. One of the mysteries of the universe....  

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