Saturday, October 3, 2020


I'll tell you what; I have been a recluse the past few days since the debate. There are so many things that could be added to this piece of music etc. etc.
But, I got kind of carried away when I worked on this; the rhythmes of the vocal ejaculations, I found, fell into patterns that were very much musical. Donald Trump's ability to speak over another person, it seems is due to his acumen of picking up on the rhythm of the other speaker, in order to head him off at the aoss, and in effect calculate on the fly just where the other speaker would most likely be taking a breath or otherwise pausing, maybe for dramatic effect, and then to pounce. There is a whole world of that here.

Somehow, you have to click on "soundcloud" to listen to it there, because it won't play here; something that I need to try to figure out, along with everything else.

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